
Showing posts with the label Trump Party


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Okay, I let it out. Hopefully this is the last of my negative emotions today. It’s my own fault. I read too much. Few things affect me deeply. I refuse to be lied to. Once someone, anyone, lies to me, the relationship is over. Whether it be friend or family, earning my respect is equal to my ability to give unrestricted love. Last, but not least, I abhor anyone who chooses ignorance over fact. I call them “idiots.”   This is the term I now use to describe Trump’s political party, his cult, fake newspersons, anyone who supports Trump in 2024.   TRUMP IS AN EMPTY, VENGEFUL, AND DARK VESSEL   I consider myself an informed, intelligent voter. Political party affiliation will never be a factor. First and foremost, my choice is based on the issues most important to me and those I love. I research the candidates and select the one most closely aligned with my needs and wishes. Secondly, he or she must possess a sincere sense of morality and compassion for his or her

GOP Adopts More Fascist Policies Focused on Escalating Their War on Women

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The right-wing’s wars on minorities, the working class, the LGBTQ Community, women, and all non-Christians began during the Reagan Administration. Over the last 43 years these attacks on specific groups, all of which are protected by the Bill of Rights, have escalated thanks to the worst president in American history. His close ties with the leaders of Neo-Nazi groups, combined with his personal history, are the reasons America is now a divided nation. THE REPEAL OF ROE V WADE WAS AN ABOMIMATION: IT WAS AN ATTACK ON THE RIGHT OF EVERY WOMAN TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT HER OWN MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH Trump is bragging about his part in the repeal of a 49-year-old decision by a legitimate Court known as Roe v Wade. This is no surprise. He has no respect for womankind. He has been married three times, and had extramarital sex during each relationship. He has been accused of sexual misconduct by at least 25 women. One of his closest friends was Jeffrey Epstein. He is

Moscow Mitch; the Final Cog in the Wheel Which Proves that the GOP is Over Forever

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   There is no longer a “Republican Party.” Those who call themselves “Republicans” today are without leadership, morals, or principles. Speaker McCarthy is a joke. He is loyal to Trump, not to his country, and is a huge embarrassment to the title of Speaker of the House. The “old man of the Senate, Moscow Mitch McConnell, has never accomplished anything for his country. His goal has always been “party first” throughout his seven, six-year terms in office. He literally “ramrodded” his agenda through the Senate, including the appointment of the last three biased and unfit Supreme Court Justices. In collusion with the Federalist Society, six Republican-biased justices struck down a 49-year-old decision by a legitimate Supreme Court guaranteeing a woman’s right to make decisions about her personal physical and mental health related to the termination of an unwanted pregnancy. This was one of the darkest days in our nation’s 247 years, June 24, 2022. If the Cou