The Military of the Unites States is a Fascist Organization

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I enlisted into the United States Air Force in September of 1964. I was poor and couldn’t afford to attend a college or university. The man I met with to discuss my future guaranteed me that after my four years of service I would be able to find a career in civilian life. I informed my recruiter that I suffered from severe migraine headaches, but he said that would not be a problem. After my eight weeks of basic training at Lackland AFB in Texas, I was sent to Keesler AFB in Mississippi in November of 1964 to be trained as a “non-morse intercept operator.” This would require me to listen and record top secret messages in morse code at a base secluded from normal military institutions, and be given a top-secret clearance. Most disappointing was that when my enlistment was complete, I would not be able to transfer my experience into any civilian employment. My migraines became more severe and more frequent. After several visits with an Air ...