
Showing posts with the label Bribery

If You are a Working-Class Man or Woman, You Probably Hate Petroleum Corporations

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   From the time I could afford to purchase my first automobile, I began to understand why everyone complained about gas prices.   Now, at the mature age of 77, I can tell you why they piss of f just about everyone .   The oil and gas industry began the practice of “Greedflation” about 50 years ago. Whenever they had ac cidents , spills or were forced to make expensive repairs to their aging equipment, they would arbitrarily raise prices at the pump. If you live near a resort area, like me, you notice that the prices are much higher in that area than where you live. I live near Lake Tahoe, and not only is this a fact, the se companies raise prices down here in Reno and up in Lake Tahoe prior to every holiday. Tahoe no longer has a commercial airport.   LAST WEEK TRUMP OFFERED 20 OIL EXECUTIVES A BRIBE   It was revealed that last week Trump met with 20 gas and oil executives at Mar-a-Lago. He told them that if they would donate one-billion dollars to his re

Trump Knows How to do Two Things: Lie, and Commit Bribery

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s first impeachment was a violation of the Constitution. He attempted to bribe the President of Ukraine with financial aid, if he would “dig up dirt” on Hunter and Joe Biden. Members of New York’s real estate community had reason to believe that Trump frequently bribed building inspectors, etc., to expedite repairs, and other necessities to make a sale or purchase. “Big Adolf” is at it again. Recently, in a meeting with 20 oil company executives at Mar-a-Lago, he proposed “a deal” with our nation’s leading oil companies. If they would give him one-billion dollars for his reelection campaign, if he wins in November, he would in turn increase oil drilling and reverse pollution rules among other pitches. Does this sound like a violation of campaign finance laws? Maybe I’m just thinking of a violation of morals, integrity, and a display of a person with no self-respect. And this revolting criminal wants to be your president. THE SLIMIEST MAN IN THE WORLD We al