
Showing posts with the label LGBTQ community

America’s Government is the Most Corrupt and Uncaring in the World

A short list of reasons why America will never be a great country.   In the general election, your vote may not count. As long as the Electoral College exists, states will choose our presidents. The popular vote means nothing. Therefore, if your candidate does not win the majority of votes in most states, your opinion does not count. I believe this is a violation of the intent of the First Amendment. The United States is the only developed nation which fails to provide universal healthcare. At least one-half of all elected officials in Washington do not believe that you should have the same access to healthcare as they do. In support of billionaires/oligarchs, they consistently vote against any measure which would provide the best healthcare available for all Americans. Most developed nations provide free or low-cost higher education for all of their people. Not America. Only the wealthy can afford to attend a college or university in 2025. Each year we lose thousands of our nation...

How Low and Cowardly Can Right-Wing Extremists Become

h Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Unlike Trump’s personal Gestapo, Neo-Nazi organizations, the LGBTQ community is no threat to anyone, anywhere. They simply seek the same rights guaranteed to heterosexuals by the Constitution. So, let me ask you a question: “why should our government feel it necessary to issue a warning to the LGBTQ community who will be celebrating Pride Month in June?” Where is the time machine used to move America and parts of the world backwards into the 1950’s? Authorities warned US citizens abroad to "exercise increased caution". Violence against the LGBTQ community across our nation is also expected. "Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists, including Pride celebrations," a warning issued by the state department said. IN JUST FOUR YEARS, TRUMP AND HIS AMERICAN FASCIST PARTY RECREATED AMERICA INTO A COUNTRY DOMINATED BY ANGER, HATRED, AND BIGOTRY Prior to 2017, the worst of America remained in the shadows, or in the slime at the bottom of cessp...

Is Trump a Homosexual?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I was watching an older television show last night. In one segment a FOX News fake journalist attacked a woman because she was seldom seen with the man she claimed to be her husband, she must be gay. It that is accurate, is Donald Trump a homosexual? All of his baseless claims about sexual prowess, and literally admitting that he was a sexual predator on camera appear to be ludicrous. However, could they be a cover-up for his attraction to men? It makes sense. Since January 20, 2021, he and Melanie have seldom been seen together, and we know she does not reside with her husband at Mar-a-Lago. TO THINK TRUMP COULD BE A PART OF THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY IS LUDICROUS This is my opinion, and mine alone. I am certain that Trump is not a member of the LGBTQ community. They wouldn’t want him. He is too old, to fat, and too ugly to fit in with men and women who care about themselves and others. While the LGBTQ community focuses on love and compassion, Trump’s li...

The Ten Worst States in America

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart There are multiple considerations for rating the best and worst states in America. A recent examination revealed the ten worst states in our nation based on employment combined with quality of life. Each of the ten worst have one thing in common, they are governed by right-wing extremists and governors who support them.   I won’t keep you guessing, here is the list from very bad to worst. They are Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, tied are Alabama and South Carolina, nest are Louisiana, Oklahoma, and no surprise, Texas is “proudly” number one. It should not surprise anyone that Florida stands at number 10 on the list. Ron DeSantis is undoubtedly the worst governor in the history of the United States. He continues to establish fascist policies which directly violate the Constitution. His war against Disney has resulted in thousands of lost jobs in the Sunshine State. If you are Black, a woman, a member of the LGBTQ community, or non-Chri...

Marjorie Taylor Greene; so Extreme She is Evicted from the Fascist Freedom Caucus

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The TEA Party, created in 2010 was not far enough to the right for some men and women who call themselves “Republicans.” Therefore in 2015, a group of fascist-leaning right wing politicians created what is known as “the Freedom Caucus.”  Some of the men who created this radical group include Ron DeSantis, Jim Jordan, and Mark Meadows. Marjorie Taylor Greene seemed a perfect fit for these fascists. By her words and actions she proved herself a despicable human being and an enemy of the United States of America. So, why was she forced out of the Freedom Caucus? About two weeks ago she had another altercation with fellow extremist, Lauren Boebert. We have learned that a vote was taken in support of Boebert, defending her against the expletive issued by Greene. Don’t you hate it when...

Our Founding Fathers and Religion; the Facts

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Evangelicals are not Christians by definition. According to the Bible, a Christian is “ someone whose behavior and heart reflects Jesus Christ .” Evangelical leaders preach from the Old Testament, completely ignoring the teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. The facts are clear. The biggest misconception about religion in America, and something Christian leaders would like you to believe, is that most of our Founding Fathers were Christians. Historians confirm that Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison and Monroe practiced a faith called Deism . Deism is a philosophical belief in human reason as a reliable means of solving social and political problems.  In reality, a number of the key American Founders were neither Christians nor deists, but theistic rationalists. Theistic rationalists believed in a powerful, rational, and benevolent creator God who was present and active in human affairs. We must remember that the primary reason the men who cr...

DeSantis vs Trump? A Brainless Fascist vs a Fascist Traitor

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Thanks to Vladimir Putin, James Comey, the mainstream media, and millions of white supremacists, our nation’s people had four very long years to learn about the “real Donald Trump.” Not only was he revealed as a sexual predator, a lifelong criminal, and an obese old, white man who hated his country and planned to destroy democracy and create a fascist regime, two weeks prior to his eviction from the White House he proved to be our nation’s biggest traitor by attempting to overthrow the government of the United States of America. It is an undeniable fact that Trump will be remembered as the worst president in history forever. Never again can any man or any woman be allowed to devote their every effort for four years to destroy the country they were elected to lead. I constantly refer to Trump’s victory on November 8, 2016 as “illegitimate.” One story, which is now hidden from the American people by our government and a complicit mainstream media, proves...