If You are a Republican who Supports Trump, I Doubt that You Possess Common Sense

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I assume that if you support Trump you continue to live in 1950’s America, or you would prefer to. However, the current date shows us that we are nearly one quarter through the 21 st century, and if we haven’t moved on from our nation’s dark, warlike, and prejudiced past, we are doomed and will not survive another 25 years. Case in point: the Second Amendment should be revoked or at the very least rewritten. In its present form it remains ambiguous, and extremely difficult to place in terms which make sense in the 21 st century. What is perfectly clear is nowhere in the short and controversial amendment is there a definition of what type of weapons can be legally possessed by ordinary citizens. For example. The Supreme Court is considering whether or not “bump stocks” are protected by the Constitution. I am certainly not a Constitutional scholar. However, a simple understanding of the situation in 1789 when the Constitution was completed and signed by our Foun...