Forever Known as the “Queen of Baseless Conspiracy Theories,” MTG Must be Removed from the House

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Okay, let’s be honest, no one else appears willing to do so. Dozens, if not hundreds of men and women who have pretended to be public servants in the House or Senate have been batshit crazy and totally incompetent, unworthy of serving in the government of the United States. A significant number of these enemies of the American people have been sexual predators and criminals. The list varies. Political bias hides the truth all too frequently. However, the facts remain. If we focus only on the most infamous politicians who were removed from office or charged for their felonious activities, we would be focusing only on the likes of Newt Gingrich, Dennis Hastert, and earlier villains including Spiro Agnew, Nixon’s first Vice-President, and Ted Stevens, Republican Senator from Alaska, who is infamous for his “bridge to nowhere.” When politics is involved, corruption and perversion are expected. “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolut...