Anger, Hatred, and Violence are the Policies of All Right-Wing Politicians

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Something happened recently that may mean nothing to you, but in reality, it defines the direction our government is taking, and therefore this country is moving down the wrong path. 100 percent of the men and women sitting on the right side of the Capitol Building support the end of democracy and the establishment of a fascist regime in Washington. While it is true that Trump, Pence, DeSantis, Greene, Boebert, Jordan, Gaetz and many others are open about their efforts, others are hiding in the shadows. Moscow Mitch McConnell, Chuck Grassley, Ron Johnson, and the rest are silently supporting the most extreme members of their party. Today’s fake Republicans control their supporters with tactics involving anger, hatred, and violence, while accomplishing nothing of value for the American people. Capital punishment is a major issue. Most Americans never think about this subject, but it is important. If human life is of any value, this archaic form of punishmen...