Where is the Sixth Amendment for Trump?
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 0 Trump is taking advantage of our country’s corrupt legal system. It unde niably protects the rich and powerful when they commit crimes. The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right of a fair and speedy trial when criminal charges are involved. Trump has been granted multiple delays, hoping to avoid punishment for his crimes, at least until after November 5, 2024. Where Are the Rights of the People to a Fair and Speedy Trial? Trump committed treason on January 6, 2021. He has been a free man for more than 38 months . Where are the rights of the people who watched the worst president in history attempt to overthrow our democratic government? It is an irrefutable fact that if Trump had not been our nation’s illegitimate president, he would have been in a federal internment facility awaiting trial on January 7, 2021. Two weeks after the insurrection, Trump stole 14 boxes of classified documents as he left the White House. He later hi...