Biden Begins a Path for Change with Plans to Repair a Broken Supreme Court

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If our Founding Fathers were alive today, they would take a long look at what they accomplished in 1789. Much of what was done during the Constitutional Convention was both great and revolutionary. However, they would also learn that they overestimated their faith in mankind, and this single fact placed the future of the new country in jeopardy. At the top of their revelations would be the failure to establish term limits for all three branches of government, and their creation of the Electoral College. Their intent was to allow the people to choose their president, but the Electoral College gave that right to the states. They believed that every vote should count, but that has never happened. “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” This quote describes both the legislative branch and the judicial branch in the 21 st century. The legislative branch is not broken, it is shattered and dysfunctional. Lost are the precepts of a two-party system whe...