Let Me Bitch About America’s Failure to Educate Our People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart America’s greatest failure is not our corrupt government in Washington, or the fact that Trump was allowed a win in 2016 although the election was clearly rigged, and the leaders of both parties knew it prior to November 8 th ... The greatest danger to our nation’s future is how we are failing our children. Our educational system is rated at the bottom of all developed nations. The following is just one report from a world organization. [America ranks 13th in education rankings by country based on 2024 data. The U.S. ranks 6th in reading, 10th in science, and 26th in math within the OECD.] This statistic is unbelievable for me, because when I grew up in the 1950’s and 1960’s, America’s educational system was ranked first in the free world.. SOME OF THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THEN AND NOW When I was young, the focus in school was on reading, writing, spelling, math, science, and in high school world and U.S. history. Other classes were included; art, sometimes music...