
Showing posts with the label Lifelong Criminal

Trump Avoided Justice for Nearly 60 Years Until He Was Finally Caught with His Pants Down and his Mushroom Out

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s crimes are many, and began about 60 years ago. When a 13-year-old child is forced out of his home as adolescence begins, these become the most important years of development: who and what he will become as an adult. Trump was sent away to military boarding school at the tender age of 13. When a child begins to mature, parental obligation becomes critical. The Donald Trump we know today is the sum of his life’s experience. He remains immature, desperate for love and acceptance. After his daddy paid for his diploma from Wharton Business College, Trump was given more than 400 million dollars to begin his own business. He lost that money in a very short period of time. His father’s efforts to make amends for his lack of parental ability failed, and a pattern began for a life dominated by a lack of successful business ventures and personal failures. THOSE OF US WHO HAVE STUDIED TRUMP’S LIFE ARE NOT SURPRISED Raising children is the most difficult challenge a

For Our Country’s Future, If Trump Makes Demands, ‘Just Say No’

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s own words and actions offer undeniable proof that he hates the America of our Founding Fathers. Therefore, as he faces multiple criminal trials, if he makes demands, just say no. Trump is a traitor, a lifelong criminal, a sexual predator, a xenophobe, and a homophobe. Why should anyone care what matters to what historians call “the worst president in American history?” Trump Knows What All True Americans Know: He is Guilty of Every Accusation Made Against Him “Lock him up.” If justice matters in America today, Trump will spend the remainder of his pathetic life in a prison. I ask a serious question: “why is the mainstream media afraid to call Trump what he is; a traitor?” Add to this the fact that Democrats lack the courage to tell Trump and the American people that Trump is America’s greatest enemy and unfit to hold any office at any level in America, and it is easy to see what is wrong with our nation in the 21 st century: no one has the courage to do

Trump is Nothing More than a Whiny, Old, Fat, White Man Who Cannot Keep His Mouth Shut

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The answer to the age-old question is, “ he’s so dumb he doesn’t realize he’s his own worst enemy.”   This perfectly describes your former illegitimate president, Donald John Trump.   The Most Hated Man in the World   We now know that the 2016 election was rigged in favor of Donald Trump . His partner in this heinous crime was his mentor, Vladimir Putin.   Women led our nation in the fight to prevent the worst man in the world from getting away with corruption.   A “women’s march” was organized for January 21, 2017, the day after the smallest inauguration in modern history. It was originally planned for Washington, D.C. However, large groups of women across America organized their own protests. My daughter and granddaughters participated in the March which took place in Fort Meyers, Florida. I was very proud .   A side story. On the way home to N aples, she told her daughters that our country had never had a woman president. The youngest , who was nine ye

No One has the Courage to Place Trump Behind Bars

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Just 24 hours ago, Judge Juan Merchan, placed a gag order on everyone involved in Trump’s “hush money” trial. Trump can’t keep his mouth shut, so it is no surprise that the orange buffoon already broke the order. This could result in jail time for the lifetime criminal, but will Judge Merchan have the courage to place the obese, old man behind bars?   "Judge Juan Merchan, who is suffering from an acute case of Trump Derangement Syndrome (whose daughter represents Crooked  Joe Biden ,  Kamala Harris , Adam 'Shifty' Schiff, and other Radical Liberals, has just posted a picture of me behind bars, her obvious goal, and makes it completely impossible for me to get a fair trial) has now issued another illegal, un-American, unconstitutional 'order,' as he continues to try and take away my Rights," Trump wrote on Truth Social on Wednesday.   Trump Must be the Most Arrogant and Stupid Man in the World   This demands an old joke: “How dumb