I Will Never Stop My Criticism of This Corrupt Supreme Court

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Unlike the mainstream media, which reports important stories just once in 24 hours, but continues to retell stories which include sensationism over and over again for weeks, I will never stop criticizing today’s corrupt and biased Supreme Court. The decisions made by this Court, stacked in favor of the extreme right-wing’s ultra-conservative agenda, violate not only the exact wording of the Constitution, they also tossed aside the intent of our Founding Fathers. President Biden nailed it. “This decision,” Biden said, “has continued the court’s attack in recent years on a wide range of long-established legal principles in our nation, from gutting voting rights and civil rights to taking away a woman’s right to choose to today’s decision that undermines the rule of law of this nation.” Their most recent decision regarding presidential immunity contradicts the most important effort by our Founding Fathers to prevent the establishment of a monarch or...