
Showing posts with the label Coupe

Why have the Events of January 6, 2021, Never Been Re-Broadcasted?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart        I offer you irrefutable proof that the mainstream television media is in collusion with Donald Trump and his party. The events which happened on the darkest day in American history on January 6, 2021, have never been shown to the American people, allowing them to decide whether or not Trump is our nation’s biggest traitor. If you watched the violent insurrection, you have undeniable proof that Donald John Trump organized, planned and executed an attempted coupe while our government was in the Capitol Building confirming the Electoral College vote during the 2020 election. Over three hours I watched Trump’s people, Neo-Nazi groups and disgruntled former and present members of law enforcement and the military, commit acts of violence, desecrating one of our most treasured buildings, hunting for Mike Pence, and Nancy Pelosi with the intention of murdering the vice-president and Speaker of the House. Meanwhile, Trump was watching the travesty on television

This Date Will Always be Remembered as the Darkest Day in American History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   On this day, January 6, in 2021, a sitting president executed a coupe with the intention of overturning our most sacred, democratic process, the election of our nation’s leader. He began planning and organizing this insurrection immediately after his huge defeat in November of 2020. What happened three years ago today was in fact “the darkest day in American history.” It was worse than the first Civil War because the responsibility for this heinous and treasonous act lies on the shoulders of a single, old, white, obese man whose need to be relevant supersedes his miniscule intellect. I remember watching the insurrection, every minute of the tragic actions committed by men and women whose only goal is to overthrow our democracy and shred the Constitution, with the exception of the Second Amendment. The 2024 election will decide if the American people or MAGA Republicans win the Second Civil War. If we, the people lose, America is over forever. As I see it today

Fact: In Nearly Every Nation in the World Anyone who Participated in an Event Like January 6 Would have Been Executed

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Treason is considered the most egregious crime against any country. It is usually followed by a sentence of death after conviction. However, the January 6, 2021 insurrectionists who attempted to overthrow our government have been given “slaps on the wrists,” sentenced to a few years after attempting an overthrow of our nation’s democracy. Even worse, the man who organized, planned, and executed the failed coup remains free to continue his lies and intentional division of our nation. America’s biggest traitor wants to be your first fascist dictator in 2024. A Colorado judge declared that Trump is guilty of insurrection. However, she claimed the article 3 of the 14 th Amendment does not apply because is does not specifically mention the president. You be the judge because this judge obviously failed to read the entirety of section three. [“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office,