
Showing posts with the label Espionage Act

Above All, Never Forget the Darkest Day in American History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart My wife and I were watching something on television on January 6, 2021 when the broadcast was interrupted. We watched as your illegitimate president stood on a hastily constructed platform and addressed his “people.” An apparently all white crowd holding Trump banners, and wearing his ridiculous red hats cheered as he began to speak. He told the ignorant crowd that the 2020 election was buried in fraud, and that he had won the election. Therefore, he commanded them to march to the Capitol Building and halt the certification of the Electoral College vote in any way possible. Then he told them that he would be with them, but quickly marched back into the safety of the White House. For the next three hours we watched in horror as an angry and murderous crowd smashed windows and doors, struggling with the Capitol Police to enter the chambers where our legislative branch was in session. We heard chants of “let’s get Pence,” and the same for Speaker Nancy Pelosi. We w

Another Dumbass Conspiracy Theory from the Extreme Right Wing: Prepare to Laugh Out Loud

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I have read some of the most ignorant statements over the last nine years, all from right-wing politicians and their propaganda machines like FOX News. However, this latest one displays morons at their worst, and extreme desperation to kiss Trump’s humongous derriere. After the Justice Department learned that Trump lied about returning classified documents to the White House, the FBI was ordered to conduct a search of Trump’s rich boy’s playpen, Mar-a-Lago. With warrant in hand, boxes of national secrets were found in numerous hiding places within the resort. When the FBI conducts a legal search, they are always instructed to ‘use deadly force only if necessary.’ Because they know nothing about the FBI, the law, or anything related to our government, the right-wing news broadcasts went out of their f**king minds. They labeled this “an effort to assassinate Donald Trump.” (I can only dream: he is our nation’s biggest traitor). When Trump heard about the

Some Laws Must Apply to Donald Trump

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Although Trump was justifiably impeached twice for violating the Constitution, Moscow Mitch McConnell told the world that his president was above the law by refusing to give the worst man in the world a fair trials. In one of his hate rallies during the 2016 campaign, Trump made this claim, a claim which was later confirmed to some degree by his corrupt party. "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" On January 6, 2021, while remaining in office, Trump organized, planned, and executed an attempted coupe. The intention was to overturn our democratic election and keep the fascist in power. When he was evicted from the White House on January 20, he took with him more than a dozen boxes of classified documents. When ordered to return them, it was later learned that he returned only a few. After questioning the former illegitimate president, he lied and said he “had returned all of them.” An