
Showing posts with the label Liar

An Intentionally Divisive Speech Which Was Boring and Filled With Lies

I read excerpts of Trump’s very long and very boring speech on Tuesday evening. Above all, he failed to tell us anything he has accomplished which would improve our nation’s future. Once again, most of his time has been spent chasing a little white ball through the grass and sand. It is 100 percent clear that Musk is making all of the big decisions. In 78 years, Trump has never worked a single day in his pitiful life. I was slightly surprised when he openly attacked Democrats and Independents for disagreeing with his vile and fascist agenda. What the fuck did he expect? Is he that stupid? He is a Russian agent, and Russia remains our greatest enemy 77-year-old congressman Al Green refused to cease his verbal attacks against the wannabe Fuhrer, and was escorted out of the building. Of course when bitch Marjorie Taylor Green harassed President Biden incessantly, nothing happened. Now pretend Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson says Mr. Green will be censured. The word is “HYPOCRISY” What ...

“What Would Jesus Do?”

I am not a religious man. However, I try every day to be more spiritual. Although I reject religions created by men, I cherish and trust the teachings of Jesus Christ and Mohammad. If you read the New Testament of the Bible or the Quran, Jesus and Mohammad offered a clear and perfect way to live our lives. Whether they were Gods or Prophets, does not matter. The basic principle both of these great men taught their followers was simple, and contained in only five words: “always do the right thing.” It is a sad fact that very few men and women who call themselves “Christians” believe and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is sad that many of the men who call themselves Muslims take the words of Mohammad and twist them, becoming violent extremists; ignoring his instructions about love, understanding, and compassion. America has an illegitimate president in 2025. He claims to be a Christian, but in truth is the Antichrist. His words, actions, and ambitions are in direct opposition to...

Will You be Watching Trump’s State of the Disunited Union?

On Tuesday evening your illegitimate president will offer his “State of the Disunited Union.” I will not be watching, and I encourage you to ignore this farce as well. It is he who intentionally divided our nation over the last 10 years. I refuse to be lied to, and because Trump has never told the truth once in his pitiful 78 years, I will not be wasting my time. In fact, I hate liars more than anything in the world and this is the reason I have refused to watch any television news broadcast since November 9, 2016. Half truths and lies of omission are more dangerous than blatant falsehoods. Every newscast in America supported Trump five-times more than all other candidates combined during the 2016 campaign. When he and his staff were asked direct questions, television’s fake journalists allowed them to answer questions they chose to make campaign speeches and ignore the interviewer. Trump’s entire life is filled with “alternative facts.” He creates his own “reality” and tells the same ...


Trump and his gestapo must be stopped. The stories coming from illegally fired federal employees are reminiscent of what happened in 1930’s Germany under the horrific rule of Adolf Hitler. The truth is, Trump and Musk are following Hitler’s Mein Kampf and his own Project 2025 to the letter. Trump is following, his Project 2025 exactly, and acting like the dictator he promised to be. I read about a great deal of unrest from Democrats, the military, and voters, both Democrats and Republicans. Words are just hot air and will accomplish nothing. It’s time to drag Trump out of the White House by his cheap toupee and put him in a federal holding cell. He has been allowed to begin the destruction of our country while violating the Constitution and abusing his presidential powers long enough. Your illegitimate president should never have been allowed to take the oath of office. First and foremost, he has no intention of keeping that oath. Secondly, he is unfit to be our nation’s president if y...

America Literally Cannot Afford Trump

  Trump spends more taxpayer dollars in one month then all social programs need for our nation’s people. Every time he travels to Mar-a-Lago, his business makes a profit while he wasted nearly $3,400,000 on each trip. During his first illegitimate presidency, Trump Corp. made 1.7 billion dollars while he violated the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause. In the first month of his second illegitimate presidency, he spent 10.7 million dollars of taxpayer money playing golf. That’s just one situation in which he throws your money away. Between 2017 and 2021, Trump wasted more than six million dollars each month of your money. That adds up to at least $288,000,000 during his first term. His failed fiscal policy of trickle-down economics added 7.8 trillion dollars to the national debt. Who in their right mind would have voted for this lifetime failure in 2024? The answer is simple: uninformed voters and those who chose ignorance over fact. Trump wanted to win the...

America and The Bully Hated Around the World

“The Bully President.” This is certain to be the title applied to Donald John Trump. He has earned it. His threats have become famous, or better yet, infamous. His policies are founded on “quid pro quo.” He is not an intelligent communicator, and has proven that his book, “The Art of the Deal,” was 100 percent a fraud: a fairy tale. Being a bully is the only way he knows how to get anything done, with the exception of simple bribery. With no talent, and no knowledge of anything, he is undoubtedly the worst illegitimate president in history. Recently Trump sent his extremely unqualified Vice-President, J.D. Vance to Western Europe. After making a vile and demanding speech in Munich, German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, responded to the arrogant and unwelcome outsider. [Scholz spoke at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, slamming “outsiders intervening in our democracy, in our elections, in the democratic formation of opinion in favour of this party,” especially from “friends and alli...

Biggest Promise Made, Biggest Promise Broken

“I will lower inflation on day one.” Donald John Trump. Another big lie. Trump admitted that he doesn’t know how to lower inflation. In fact, after day one he never mentioned the subject. His time was well-spent, signing unconstitutional executive orders and playing with Musk and his other laughing oligarchs. His focus was on more important issues, including renaming the Gulf of Mexico, stealing Greenland, turning Gaza into a “Middle East Mar-a-Lago,” and making Canada our 51 st state. I have questions and concerns about the validity of the 2024 election. Regardless, exit polls revealed that Trump’s controversial victory was the result of a single issue: inflation. Inflation has actually risen by three percent over the last few weeks. The effects of Trump’s foolhardy tariffs will result in additional costs to consumers in the near future. The facts prove that over his 78 and ½ years, he is a failure when economics are involved. Trump was forced to file bankruptcy on two Atlantic City ...

Did You Vote for Trump? It’s All Your Fault

13 disastrous days. In 2017 Trump began his illegitimate presidency by destroying or attempting to destroy the many accomplishments of Barack Obama. The orange liar, the con man, is not a “doer,” someone who accomplishes anything. Trump is an old, obese Nazi with a brain the size of a fruit fly, without a heart or a soul. His goal is to destroy America from within. Over the last 13 days, he revoked hundreds of positive actions by a real President, Joe Biden. If you think that Trump gives a damn about anyone, any man, woman, or child in America, you literally must have your head examined. Trump accomplishes nothing of importance. He prefers to undo the successes of his predecessors who did care about our nation’s people. Trump doesn’t have the slightest idea what a positive accomplishment might look like. He is THE DESTROYER. Trump lives in the past. When he was a child in the 1950’s and 1960’s, his father, Fred Trump, taught him to be a racist and a bigot, and a womanizer. He also lear...

Simple and Truthful Information About Tariffs: You Will Be Pissed Off

If the word “tariffs” enters the conversation, most people have no idea what that involves, and no idea about how it might affect them and their families. I am going to make it simple and clear for everyone. I will warn you, this is the ultimate scam by a professional politician. Tomorrow, February 1, 2025, Trump will impose an additional tariff of 25 percent on imports from China, Canada, and Mexico. Tariffs is just another word for “tax.” American companies which import raw materials or finished goods from these three countries will be forced to pay a 25 percent increase for their purchases: the same percentage attached to the items exported from China, Canada, and Mexico. This is known as a tariff. Here's where Trump is playing tricks on the American people. The extra 25 percent increase goes directly to the national treasury. Because American businesses are forced to pay more for the imports they purchase, the cost is passed onto consumers. This is where Trump is once again pro...

Antichrist has no Soul

In America, a president’s primary function is to improve the lives of all of his or her nation’s people, and guarantee their safety and security. Trump is not an American president. During the last five days the Antichrist has destroyed all of the good accomplished by President Biden over the last four years. His choices to be his closest advisers are a gang of unqualified billionaires, criminals, alcoholics, sexual predators, and Neo-Nazi supporters. Not a single man or woman in the Trump administration will be qualified to hold the position and the department they will be leading, including Trump. The White House will be staffed with clowns and pretenders. We were fully aware that the Antichrist had no heart, and with his most recent actions, we know he has no soul. He has become “Trump the Destroyer.” Every action he claims as an accomplishment is in reality harmful to our nation’s people and the future of our country. By biblical definition, Donald John Trump is the Antichrist. Man...

The “Antichrist” has Risen

On Monday, the Right Reverand Mariann Edgar Budde, a Bishop in the Episcopal Church, looked straight into the sleepy eyes of Donald Trump, and knew that she was without a doubt speaking directly to the “Antichrist.” The prophecy of the Antichrist is revealed in the New Testament in the First and Second Epistle of John.[2] Antichrist is announced as one "who denies the Father and the Son.” He has been called many other names, but the one that defines the Anti-Christ most perfectly is the “Great Pretender.” Trump claims to be a “Christian.” However by his own words and actions it is clear that he is the opposite of what a real Christian believes and stands for. The text of Bishop Budde’s plea to Trump was intended to ask him to act like a good Christian. She begged him to be kind and show compassion for transgender Americans and undocumented immigrants. She could have called him what he is, an evil and vengeful old man, and even a “fake Christian,” but she did not. Trump has demande...

In Just Three Days Trump Caused More Harm than All Other Presidents Combined and Continues to Shit on the Constitution

It’s “déjà vu all over again.” What Trump has done to our nation in just three days is far worse than his initial actions in 2017. He has undone many of the positive accomplishments of real presidents Obama and Biden. All of his actions support the current plutocracy and his 756 oligarchs. There is no doubt that his decision to pardon the traitors who violently stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021 is an act of pure fascism and revenge. Trump is not concerned about the brave capitol police who lost their lives or the more than 150 who were injured. These Neo-Nazis were tried for their crimes in a court of law and deserved to be punished more severely than they were. Treason is the most egregious crime possible in America. He is not interested in the fact that trying these men and women who hate my America cost taxpayers millions of dollars and law enforcement thousands of hours. More than 1500 anti-Americans who sought to overthrow our democratic government are back among those of us ...

How We Know Trump is the Worst President in History?

  What is the role of a U.S. President? Until 2017, this was what was expected from our nation’s leader. [The authors of the U.S. Constitution only sketched a loose outline of the presidency when they defined the federal government in 1787. They expected the first presidents to work out the details of the job with Congress and the Supreme Court. As a result, the first officeholders helped shape the way presidents make decisions, fight wars, work with Congress, add territory to the country, and even entertain.] Let’s begin with his personal life. Trump is a man without morals or principles. He is a registered serial philanderer, having cheated on all three of his trophy wives. It was recently revealed and confirmed that he attended parties with his “best friend,” Jeffrey Epstein, for 10 years. This proves that Trump is one of the most disgusting sexual predators of all time. Trump operated his businesses in the same manner as his marriages. He lied, cheated, and stole among ot...

Four Years of Failure, Thousands of Lies, and a Billionaire Friend Buy Votes Won’t Make Trump a Legitimate President

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The Truth Lives Here If Trump and Putin rig another election, America will lose and our nation’s future is in serious jeopardy. However, if the election is just and fair, and most voters realize that Trump’s tactics filled with lies, his horrific record between 2017 and 2021, and his billionaire supporter loses his bid to buy votes, our country will have its first woman president, and America will move proudly forward into the 21 st century. Kamala Harris in 2024. Op-ed by James Turnage

Nicknames Which Apply to Trump

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The Truth Lives Here Trump has many deserved nicknames. Old ones include the “orange buffoon.” “Trumpenstein,” and “Putin’s Puppet.” However, he has earned more over the last four years, including “world’s biggest whiner,” the “Coronavirus Killer,” “world’s biggest liar,” “leader of America’s white supremacist movement,” “traitor,” “fascist,” “convicted criminal,” and “sexual predator.” Guess what, and you won’t believe it: this obese old man is running for president on Tuesday. Op-ed by James Turnage

Trump’s Idols: Putin and Hitler

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart We all know that Trump is Putin’s puppet, although some deny the truth in public. However, I read a story a few months ago that you will never see or hear from the mainstream media. Trump’s first wife, Ivana, told several of her friends that her husband read Adolf Hitler’s speeches every night before going to sleep. From my research, the orange buffoon adopted a number of Hitler’s tactics during his speeches attended by men and women who share his anger and hatred for anyone who refuses to agree with their dark views of our nation’s future. Trump’s endless rants about the “fake news” was a thinly guarded effort to ensure that the right wing propaganda machine, Fox News, was the only fake news network they would listen to. Fox constantly hides the real Donald Trump from the public. Another of Trump’s tactics comes directly from Hitler’s manifesto. “If you tell weak-minded and uninformed men and women a lie often enough, they will eventually accept it as the truth...

America is Totally Messed Up, Surviving on Corruption and Secrecy

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I can’t help but think, “what would Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, and John Kennedy be thinking today about the worst government in the world?”   For the first time in my life, I know that all three branches of our government are corrupt, and nothing will change without courage and determination by our nation’s people. However, If I can j udge today’s America by the polls, the dream of our Founding Fathers is about to take its last breaths.   All of our nation’s great leaders would be shocked to know that a man who attempted to overthrow our government was allowed to run for office, and even more so that he had millions of supporters.   WORSE THAN ANY THIRD-WORLD COUNTRY   Let’s look at this year’s election honestly, not politically.   I remember my first presidential election. I turned 21 in 1967, and in 1968 I would be voting for the man who would lead my beloved country for the ne xt f...