
Showing posts with the label Liar

Trump’s Firsts, and Hopefully Lasts

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump is the first man to “accomplish” several things in America’s nearly 248 years. Hopefully, no one will be the second person to constantly violate the Constitution and embarrass our nation. Trump was the first person in his party to seek the Republican Party’s presidential nomination without experience in any form of government and no verifiable proof that he ever worked in any profession for a single day in 77 years. He was also the first alleged draft dodger to believe he could gain the support of right-wing voters who generally favor war over peace. Trump was the first presidential candidate to win a major party’s nomination without taking a position on a single issue. Trump won by lying to voters, and hurling personal attacks against his rivals. He failed to receive the support of 90 percent of his party’s leaders. THE ILLEGITIMATE ELECTION OF 2016 Trump was losing in the polls prior to November 8, 2016. However, our government received verified informat

I Could Never Vote for Anyone who is not as Intelligent as I am, or who Knows Less About Governing than I do

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart No one would ever accuse me of being a genius. I always had great grades in school, passed every test in the jobs I applied for easily, but I have known many people whose mental abilities are far superior to my own. I simply worked harder than most. Of all the presidents I voted for, beginning in 1968, there were only two I considered brilliant and impressed me with most of their decisions, their ability to speak to me honestly and eloquently, and displayed common sense most of the time. THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION One was the man who, although he was far from perfect, saved our nation’s economy from two former, destructive Republicans: William Jefferson Clinton. He entered office in 1993. When he left the White House in 2001, he had erased the huge national debt created by his Republican predecessors, and the national treasury had a surplus. PRESIDENT OBAMA TO THE RESCUE In 2009, President Barack Hussein Obama began the process of preventing a se

Nikki Haley Would Have Been a Female Version of Trump

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For most Americans, all they know about Nikki Haley is that she is a woman and challenged Trump for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination, and failed. Haley was supported by the radical TEA Party in 2010 as she was running for the Governor of South Carolina. She won, and was easily reelected in 2014. Although I was skeptical, knowing that TEA Party candidates have been woefully unqualified. However, Haley was a good governor, placing the people of South Carolina in priority number one. For this writer, she was impressive. Then came Trump. VERY DISAPPOINTED: WHERE HAVE THE REAL REPUBLICANS GONE? Trump chose Haley to be our country’s ambassador to the United Nations. She immediately joined other Republicans as a hypocrite. She constantly praised “Big Adolf,” bowing to his decision to violate the Constitution daily. Last year she moved her opinions another 180 degrees as she challenged Trump for the Republican Party’s nomination. Her attack

If You are a Working-Class Man or Woman, You Probably Hate Petroleum Corporations

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   From the time I could afford to purchase my first automobile, I began to understand why everyone complained about gas prices.   Now, at the mature age of 77, I can tell you why they piss of f just about everyone .   The oil and gas industry began the practice of “Greedflation” about 50 years ago. Whenever they had ac cidents , spills or were forced to make expensive repairs to their aging equipment, they would arbitrarily raise prices at the pump. If you live near a resort area, like me, you notice that the prices are much higher in that area than where you live. I live near Lake Tahoe, and not only is this a fact, the se companies raise prices down here in Reno and up in Lake Tahoe prior to every holiday. Tahoe no longer has a commercial airport.   LAST WEEK TRUMP OFFERED 20 OIL EXECUTIVES A BRIBE   It was revealed that last week Trump met with 20 gas and oil executives at Mar-a-Lago. He told them that if they would donate one-billion dollars to his re

Trump Can be Addressed by Many Terms, but “Mr. President” is not One of Them

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Donald Trump was never my president. He never deserved the title. An American president has multiple duties and responsibilities, none of which were performed by the orange buffoon. Trump refused to represent all Americans. As the leader of the white supremacy movement in America, he failed to recognize Black Americans as equals. He ignored low-income and poor Americans, choosing to serve the super-rich and members of Neo-Nazi organizations. He divided our nation’s people intentionally, and when our country needed a leader, he ignored the advancing coronavirus, and claimed “it will just go away.” Trump was the first man to lose his bid for reelection and refuse to   submit to a peaceful transfer of power. Instead, he lied about the results of the election and attempted to overturn the 2020 loss by planning, organizing, and executing an attempted coup on January 6, 2021. The only “rigged” election in history was in 2016. Our government attempted to cove

Trump is Responsible for the Loss of at Least 100,000 American Lives

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump learned about the probability of a life-threatening pandemic endangering American lives in December of 2019. He ignored the information, refusing to read the President’s Daily Brief. When the American people learned about Covid-19 in January of 2020, he told us, “it will just go away.” This fact adds murder to the long list of crimes committed by your former, illegitimate president. For those of us who know the truth, Trump is the greatest   criminal in America’s history who remains a free man. If he was forced to pay for the crimes he committed over 77+ years, he would spend the remainder of his days in prison. Any man or woman who is elected by the people to be our president has one responsibility: to serve the needs of all Americans. Trump lost the popular vote and chose not to serve anyone who refuses to support his mentally deranged views of America’s future. Trump’s Speech at his Hate Rallies Proves That He Deserves the Nickname of “Big Ado

I Have a Good One to Tell You, and Of Course It Involves Another Stupid Statement from You Know Who

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Here are Trump’s own words. When you stop laughing, I’ll give you the facts. “Remember, every communist regime throughout history has tried to stamp out the churches, just like every fascist regime has tried to co-opt them and control them,” Trump told hundreds of cheering attendees at the National Religious Broadcasters International Christian Media Convention in Nashville. “And, in America, the radical left is trying to do both.” TWO MEN: ONE A PATRIOTIC AMERICAN, THE OTHER AN EVIL FASCIST WHO WOULD DESTROY OUR COUNTRY First and foremost Trump and his MAGA Republicans support a fascist agenda, and are in the complete control of the Christian Religious Right. But let’s focus on the two men expected to face each other on November 5 th . Believe me, they are very, very different. President Biden has consistently displays his belief in Catholicism. He goes to church and his speech is often filled with compassion and respect for all Americans. I have

America’s Greatest Enemies in 2024: Vladimir Putin, Muhammad bin Salman, and Donald Trump

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 1987, Trump visited Moscow for the first time at the invitation of the KGB. Vladimir Putin was a high-ranking member of the spy organization. Although there are no records of what occurred during those meetings, there is no doubt that Trump and Putin spoke frequently. THE MEETING WHICH PLACED OUR NATION WHERE IT IS TODAY In 2013 we know that Trump visited Moscow. He owned the Miss Universe Pageant, and it was held in the Russian capital over a single weekend during that year. This is when Putin and Trump finalized plans to illegitimately win the 2016 election. When Trump’s campaign was faltering in the summer of 2016, and running out of money, tech billionaire, Robert Mercer, who had been financing the campaign of another traitor, Ted Cruz, moved his money and top aides, Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway to Trump’s campaign in August of 2016. Mercer has very close business ties to Russian oligarchs.   MAKING FRIENDS In 1991, Trump businesses, including his At

Why have the Events of January 6, 2021, Never Been Re-Broadcasted?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart        I offer you irrefutable proof that the mainstream television media is in collusion with Donald Trump and his party. The events which happened on the darkest day in American history on January 6, 2021, have never been shown to the American people, allowing them to decide whether or not Trump is our nation’s biggest traitor. If you watched the violent insurrection, you have undeniable proof that Donald John Trump organized, planned and executed an attempted coupe while our government was in the Capitol Building confirming the Electoral College vote during the 2020 election. Over three hours I watched Trump’s people, Neo-Nazi groups and disgruntled former and present members of law enforcement and the military, commit acts of violence, desecrating one of our most treasured buildings, hunting for Mike Pence, and Nancy Pelosi with the intention of murdering the vice-president and Speaker of the House. Meanwhile, Trump was watching the travesty on television