The Confederacy is Alive and Thriving: Welcome to the Second Civil War

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Wars are not fought exclusively with guns. Experts involved in predictions about future wars agree that the next world war will be a struggle for technology superiority. There is the real reason the discussion of Artificial Intelligence is priority number one. Our nation is fighting a war today. The reason for this conflict has its origin in the primary reasons for the first Civil War: racism and bigotry. The Second Civil War began on November 8, 2016, when Donald John Trump became our nation’s illegitimate president elect. A “rigged” election, funded by Vladimir Putin, and aided by the mainstream media and James Comey, handed the presidency to a fascist, and the least qualified man in history to become a leader of men. Although it was confirmed in October of 2106 that Russia was deeply involved in deciding the outcome of our election, our nation’s leaders decided to keep this fact from the voting public. Trump lost the popular vote by more than three mill...