When One Major Party is Loyal to a Russian Agent, and not to Their Country

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I could easily blame the man c onfirmed as “the worst president in America’s history” by presidential historians for the irreparable damage to our country between 2017 and 2021. However, that would be ingenuous. The fact is without the support of the former Republican Party, Trump would be nothing but a nightmare and a memory which will n ever go away. In 2016, prior to the November 8 election, every Republican leader denounced the idea of a Trump presidency. Moscow Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Lin dsey Graham, virtually every significant member of the GOP was a member of “the anybody but Trump club.” They were honest then, claiming that he was woefully unqualified t o become our nation’s 45 th president. They denounced his lack of morals , his disrespect for the traditions of our nation, and his refusal to act “presidential.” And let’s not pretend that they were unaware of his ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. How...