
Showing posts with the label Biden

Republicans Admit that they are Incapable of Winning a Secure and Fair Election

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you are of average intelligence, you have no doubt that the 2020 election was as described by Trump’s own ‘election czar,’ “the most secure and fair election in history.” The truth about the 2020 election is that when there is a large voter turnout Democrats typically win the important races. A lower turnout reveals apathy from Democrats and Independents, and Republicans have a greater opportunity to be victorious. TRUMP, REPUBLICANS, AND FOX NEWS ARE TELLING US THAT HE CANNOT WIN THE DEBATE OR THE GENERAL ELECTION Sean Hannity on Fox News, other Trump fake journalists on even more extreme broadcasts, and Trump himself are all making excuses for Trump’s loss in next Wednesday’s televised debate. Let’s be totally truthful; Trump has never participated in a legitimate debate. Some might think it’s because he is virtually illiterate. However, not once has he answered a direct question. He uses the same ridiculous tactic he used during his press conferences betwe

Republicans Desperate to Make the Most Accomplished President Since Clinton Look Bad

    Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump is not running on his record as your illegitimate president between 2017 and 2021 because it is blank. With the exception of permanent tax cuts for the already super-rich not a single accomplishment can be linked to Trump or any of his incompetent staff over four years. However, the story is exactly opposite for President Biden. Lowering Costs of Families' Everyday Expenses. More People Are Working Than At Any Point in American History. Making More in America. Rescued the Economy and Changed the Course of the Pandemic. Rebuilding our Infrastructure. Historic Expansion of Benefits and Services for Toxic Exposed Veterans. The most meaningful gun control legislation in 30 years. Protected marriage rights for the LGBTQ community and interracial couples. Historic confirmation of the first Black female Supreme Court Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, and the appointment of numerous diverse federal judges. President Biden influenced t

At West Point, President Biden Subtly Warns Graduating Cadets of Trump’s Threat to Democracy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   President Biden addressed Cadets graduati ng from West Point on Saturday. During his speech, he offered a warning to the young men and women .   He told the young officers that they are “guardians of American democracy. ” Later in the address, he added an admonition to : “hold fast” to their military oath “not to a political party, not to a president but to the C onstitution of the United States of America, against all enemies, foreign and domestic ”.   “From the very beginning, nothing is guaranteed about democracy in America. Every generation has an obligation to defend it, protect it, preserve it – now it is your turn,” said Biden, who cited the right to vote, the right to worship and the right to protest as key freedoms that require “constant vigilance ”.   TRUMP NEVER WAS OUR NATION’S COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF   Although the President did not use his name, this was clearly a direct warning about Donald Trump ’s plans for his second term, if elected.   He

Biden’s Economic Plan is the Most Successful Since 1999

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart One of my personal disappointments concerns average Americans. I am convinced that most Americans are uninformed, unaware of what is happening in our country today. Millions choose to believe lies from right-wing politicians and their propaganda machine, FOX News but ignore the truth. I am pleasantly surprised to report the fact that President Biden is the most successful, and accomplished President since Bill Clinton in 1999. CHOOSING TO BE IGNORANT IS VERY DANGEROUS The Wall Street Journal reported this fact: America’s economy “far outperformed expectations over the past year and a half.” However, more than one-half of all Americans continue to believe that our nation’s economy was better when Trump was pretending to be their president. Irrefutable facts prove that accomplishments Trump claimed as his own, were actually programs put in place by the Obama Administration. The absolute truth is that over four years, Trump spent 90 percent of his time golfing, par

Growing Praise and Support for President Biden

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you are an informed voter, you know that between Trump and President Biden there is no comparison. Americans deserve an American President, not an asset of a foreign nation who would shred the Constitution and move our nation backwards into the dark days of 85 years ago. In the 1950’s nothing happened to guarantee equality for Black Americans in the United States. Few Black men and even fewer Black women were enrolled our colleges and universities. Few of the good paying jobs were given to Black men. It was illegal in most states for Blacks to openly have a romantic relationship with whites. Black women would not have the right to vote until 1965. Women were expected to be subservient to men in the mid-twentieth century. In the workplace most women made little more than 50 cents for every dollar made by men. If they wanted to keep their jobs, they were forced to accept sexual advances by the men in their current employment. Our nation was heavily dominated in

Nikki Haley is Winning Votes for Joe Biden

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart This primary season has been boring, with the exception of one anomaly: Nikki Haley has been winning a considerable number of votes in Republican primaries, although she withdrew from the race some time ago. The “why” is clear and good news for President Biden. A growing number of Republican voters are disassociating themselves from criminal Donald Trump. His life of crime is at the forefront of every news network in America. It makes no difference if the network is a Trump propaganda machine, the fact that he is engaged in a criminal trial which could place him in a federal prison is real news. And there are more trials to come. LOOK BACK AT 2016, A RIGGED ELECTION IN FAVOR OF DONALD TRUMP, AND COMPARE IT WITH 2024 About a month before voting day in 2016, the now infamous “Access Hollywood” tape was released to the media. In his own words Trump admitted to being a sexual predator. His team attempted to redirect the potential damage by claiming it was nothing mo

One Way or Another, There Will Not be a Debate

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I don’t know why, but President Biden has agreed to debate Trump. Debating is another thing about which Trump knows nothing. We watched him with Hillary Clinton in 2016, and again with Mr. Bid en in 2020: those were not debates. Trump knows nothing and doesn’t care about the issues, so a debate is not possible .   Trump Does Not Want to Debate the President   Candidates set the rules and location for debates. I am pos itive that the conditions demanded by Trump will be ludicrous and Mr. Biden will not agree with his asinine demands.   There is no Reason for a “Debate”   The first debates I watched were between Richard Nixon, and John Kennedy in 1960. We learned exactly where both candidates stood the most important issues .   Watching how the two men reacted with facial expressions and body lan guage gave us additional insight into the veracity of both men.   Trump walked around and behind Hillary Clinton in 2016. He appeared to be insane, and later