Trump is a Bully; All Bullies Are Cowards

A draft dodger, a bully, a womanizer, a con artist: these are all terms which can accurately be used to describe Donald John Trump. Words which cannot be attached to Trump are caring, compassionate, kind, intelligent, generous, or leader. Like all egomaniacs, Trump enjoys having power over others, but is incapable of accepting even minor criticism from anyone. A little-known fact about Trump’s first illegitimate presidency has been ignored and probably hidden from the American people by the mainstream media, adds to the analysis of the real Donald Trump. After the federal execution of Billie Allen in 2003, not a single death row inmate had been executed by the federal government until 2019-2020. Trump approved of and even hurried the deaths of 13 federal prisoners. After his controversial reelection last November 5 th , he pledged to increase the number of executions after his inauguration. In an obvious response to Trump’s blood lust, President Biden recently commuted the death senten...