House “Republicans” Prove that They are a Bad Joke, and Admit that the Once Grand Old Party is No More

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart This sad but laughable saga began in January of 2023. Republicans had won a slim margin in the House of Representatives and would therefore be choosing a Speaker. Without a Speaker, it is illegal for the House to conduct any of our nation’s business. It was no secret during the years when Nancy Pelosi held the gavel that California Representative, Kevin McCarthy, envied her position as the Speaker. He made it clear that he would do anything to become Speaker of the House of Representatives. McCarthy Remains Loyal to Trump, not to his Country It is also no secret that McCarthy was a Trump lacky. He was one of the Republicans who maintained phone contact with America’s biggest traitor throughout the three-hour insurrection on January 6, 2021. However, for the fascist members of the Freedom Caucus, he was considered a moderate: his beliefs and policies were not far enough to the right. Until 2023, Only a Single Vote was Needed to Choose the Speaker When the vote wa...