Is Trump a Homosexual?
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I was watching an older television show last night. In one segment a FOX News fake journalist attacked a woman because she was seldom seen with the man she claimed to be her husband, she must be gay. It that is accurate, is Donald Trump a homosexual? All of his baseless claims about sexual prowess, and literally admitting that he was a sexual predator on camera appear to be ludicrous. However, could they be a cover-up for his attraction to men? It makes sense. Since January 20, 2021, he and Melanie have seldom been seen together, and we know she does not reside with her husband at Mar-a-Lago. TO THINK TRUMP COULD BE A PART OF THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY IS LUDICROUS This is my opinion, and mine alone. I am certain that Trump is not a member of the LGBTQ community. They wouldn’t want him. He is too old, to fat, and too ugly to fit in with men and women who care about themselves and others. While the LGBTQ community focuses on love and compassion, Trump’s li...