
Showing posts with the label Ukraine

The Definition of Insanity: Marjorie Taylor Greene

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Simply seeing a picture of Marjorie Taylor Greene forces a single reaction from everyone: insanity. I am worried about the ignorant people of Georgia who voted for her. Insanity: “the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.” This woman lives in an alternate universe. She is definitely not an American: maybe she’s an alien from the planet, “Nutbag.” Regardless, she has become the “mouth” of the Freedom Caucus, offering an endless number of baseless conspiracy theories, most of which are obviously created in her own demented mind. SADLY, MTG IS NOT ALONE I would be remiss if I refused to admit that MTG is only one of 41 fascists in the House whose primary ambition is to destroy our government. It is a little funny that the Freedom Caucus was created because the TEA Party was not as radical as many of today’s fake Republicans had hoped. Jim Jordan’s traitorous constituents are so extreme, so far to the right, they can only be called fascists. They have take

Can One Story Signal the Possibility that Hope is Alive in America?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The vote was 311-112 . The House of Representatives voted to approve additional military aid for Ukraine. Why is this shocking? Trump and his fascist supporters in the House calling themselves the “Freedom Caucus” opposed the bill’s passage. They went so far as to threaten the removal of Mike Johnson , one of their own, as the Speake r if it passed.   The Republican Party controls 2 18 seats out of 435, and 41 of those right-wing politicians are members of the Freedom Caucus. This is a significant defeat fo r Trump and his anti-American minions.   Are a Growing Number of Right-Wing Politicians Revealing Their Disgust for Trump?   I’m not sure if this means anything. Members of the House are up for election every two years, and this is priority number one for all professional politicians.   However, this vote definitely reveals a lack of cohesion on the right side of the aisle. There is a widespread belief that Democrats will regain control of the H

House of Representatives Continues to Display Corruption and Incompetence: America’s Government is Broken Beyond Repair

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart There is little difference when discussing the TEA Party or the Freedom Caucus. Both extremist groups have been bought and paid for by America’s billionaires and have the same goal: end democracy in America, establish a permanent Plutocracy, and institute a fascist regime to guarantee the change in our nation’s political system. Let’s explore a little reality right now. Kevin McCarthy was never a legitimate Speaker of the House: he was nothing but a tool for the extremists in his party and Trump. 15 votes were required to allow him to receive the gavel. Meanwhile, he gave away all of his power, his dignity and his principles to the Freedom Caucus. He was removed from the House because he refused to take action so extreme, it could only be labeled as fascist. Another first for America. After numerous names were offered to replace McCarthy, a man no one knew was chosen as the next Speaker. MIKE JOHNSON IS AN EXTREMIST WHO HATES EVERYTHING DEFINED AS “AMERICAN” Mik

Republicans, Desperate for Votes, Pander to America’s Jewish Population

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Over the last couple of months, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has exposed who he really is. He is no better than the man who attempted to exterminate all Jews in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Attempts to Gain Autocratic Rule and the Destruction of the Palestinian People Netanyahu was exposed as a man who hates all Palestinians simply because they exist. His efforts to amass absolute power over the last year are opposed to democracy and support a fascist regime. He is no better than the greatest enemy of all Jewish people, Adolf Hitler. All attempts to build lasting peace in the Middle East have been thwarted by Netanyahu. He has refused to negotiate in good faith with Palestinian leadership. Netanyahu will never end his attacks on the Palestinian people until they are exterminated. Republicans are Desperate for Votes in 2024 Freedom Caucus Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has invited Netanyahu to speak on the floor of the House of Repres

Another Russian Asset in our Midst

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   (I know I promised to write more positive stories, and I will, but you need to know “the real Elon Musk.) Like his idol, Donald Trump, Elon Musk made a mistake. When he bought Twitter, he exposed his real self to the world. He may be a talented mechanical engineer, but as a man he is a fool who lacks common sense. In the news today is a story which proves an assumption I made months ago. Like Trump, he is undoubtedly a Russian agent. Included in part of a biography of Musk, CNN is reporting a plan by Ukraine to execute a drone attack on the Russian navy based in Crimea. When the traitor to democracy learned this information, Musk ordered his engineers to shut down his “Starlink” satellite network over Crimea. Musk eventually released a response, and, like Trump, claims he did nothing wrong. “Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not dron

Just Good People Doing the Right Thing and Saving Refugees

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Everyone asks themselves several questions during their lifetime. One of the most frequent is “what is my purpose in life?” For most of us that question is never answered directly. Some refuse to recognize the answer when it comes to them. And others find their own answer, whether or not it is legitimate. The reality is that each of us must seek our own answer, it is within all of us. If we listen closely to our own thoughts, we can solve the question for ourselves. Anastasiya Veli is Ukrainian and Orhan Veli is half Russian, and they have one thing in common: they have found their purpose. They decided to make a difference. As I write this, the couple has saved 11 refugees from Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Although Orhan is not from Ukraine, he is a refugee. His family fled from Azerbaijan when he was just 11 years old, and the Soviet union was breaking apart. "I was a kid without anything. My parents had nothing. And little by little we were able to kin