What Scurrilous Nickname Cannot be Applied to Right-Wing Politicians?
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Donald Trump enjoys making up ‘nicknames’ for his millions of adversaries. Most of them are silly and meaningless, but when you failed most of your classes in high school and college, this is the best you can do. I have many nicknames for Trump and his fascist party, and I don’t have to make them up, they are real and accurate nouns and adjectives. For instance, I have called Trump the orange buffoon, Trumpenstein, and with recent revelations about his idols, “Big Adolf.” His party is incompetent beyond belief, but that’s not all. They are pathological liars, extremists, unfit for office, and fascists. But the term which describes the entire party is “corrupt.” HYPOCRITES ONE AND ALL Right-wing politicians have proven to be the opposite of “the party of family values.” Among their crimes are sexual deviance, numerous felonies, abandoning their promises to voters, choosing instead to support the super-rich, while ignoring the needs and wishes of their constituent...