
Showing posts with the label Failures

“All Governments Are Bad, Some Are Just Worse Than Others”

I challenge to you prove me wrong: “the government of the United States is the most dysfunctional and corrupt in the world.” I offer you two reasons which prove my allegation, although there are dozens more which confirm what I have learned over the last 13 years. Let’s take a look at the only perfect law passed by our government in its history: the Social Security Act, signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on August 14, 1935. It was simple and it worked. Every American would have a retirement program. It was funded by employers and employees without additional funds from the national treasury. The amount received was based on the average income over the working life of each individual. I know of no one who received the total of their contributions prior to his or her death. Why do Republicans call it an “entitlement” and seek the end of the program? The more important question is “why is the fund in the red.” Of course, you know the answer. Our incompetent government added other p...

I Can’t Wait Two More Weeks to Bitch About This

Two weeks from next Monday is the worst and most insulting holiday in America. I bitch about it every year, but thanks to the illegitimate reelection of the Antichrist, and based upon the evil he casts on our nation, I couldn’t wait two more weeks to write another rant. Presidents Day is not only the dumbest idea for a holiday I could ever imagine, it is an insult to the few great presidents who deserve to be honored. When I was a school-age boy, many years ago, we honored two very deserving presidents: Abraham Lincoln on his birthday, February 12, and George Washington on his, February 22 nd . I will not pay homage to Andrew Jackson, Herbert Hoover, Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and definitely not the worst in history, Donald Trump. There are many others who should not be remembered for anything other than the harm they did to our country, and the level of incompetence they displayed every day they were in office.. In my lifetime, I was blessed with only one great presid...

This Story Made me Laugh: Do They Think They Deserve a Raise?

  The last two congresses, with control of the House in Republican’s incapable hands, passed the fewest bills into law in modern American history. Right-wing politicians spend most of their time protecting Trump from his many crimes and have no time and no interest in performing the jobs for which they were elected. When they are in the Capitol Building, they spend most of their time contacting current and potential donors for their reelection campaigns. Although they are only required to be in Washington 100 days a year, when they are present their efforts are seldom focused on passing legislation which benefits all Americans. It is fair to claim that the government of the United States of America is the most incompetent and corrupt in the world. Now for your Friday Funny: Congress was actually considering giving themselves a raise. If, in your job, your production nosedived, would you be asking your employer for a raise? The effort to give themselves a rai...

A List of Confirmed Enemies of the People of the United States of America

This list I give you does not come from the government, or the mainstream media. It comes from facts based on my 78 years of experience as a citizen of the United States of America. The American people have more enemies than friends. Based on the way Trump mistreated our allies between 2017 and 2021, and what he plans to do to them beginning in January, 2025, we will be hated by some of our closest allies. It will be unsafe for any American citizen to travel outside of our own country. However, we have much more to worry about right here in the “lower 48.” The most frightening enemy to the vast majority of Americans is its own government. After the results of the 2024 election, which I have reason to believe were definitely rigged, again, the quality of life for most will begin to decline. All members of our government will hide the truth for the same old bogus reason: “for reasons of national security.” Why don’t they just call it what it is: incompetence? Over the last nine years, al...

And I Thought Trump Lacked a Sense of Humor: I Can’t Stop Laughing

  Okay, when Trump announced his choice of Little Marco Rubio to be his Secretary of State, I chuckled. Rubio is known as “the laziest senator in Washington.” He was expected not run for reelection in 2016. However, Moscow Mitch McConnel was desperate to retain Republican numbers in the senate and convinced him to remain on the ballot. When I read that Trump planned to nominate Rubio for Secretary of State, I assumed the orange buffoon had found a sense of humor, so I laughed a little. These two hate each other, and have since the 2016 campaign. As Trump began to announce other choices for his White House staff, I thought he was planning a modern version of the 1933 Marx Brothers movie, “Duck Soup.” I laughed even harder when I heard that Elise Stefanik would be his choice for U.N. Ambassador. When I read that a Fox personality was his choice for Secretary of Defense, I laughed so hard tears began to fall. Pete Hegseth has no experience in government and his views are harsh, ...

In the House the War Between “Republicans” and Trump’s Freedom Caucus Rages On

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If you know anything about politics in America, you know that the 42 men and women in the House calling themselves the “Freedom Caucus” support  policies which are so far to the right they mimic Adolf Hitler’s playbook in 1930’s Germany. Their loyalty is to their Fuhrer, Donald Trump, not to the people of the United States of America.   Of the 176 who call themselves “Republicans” most are members of another extremist group, calling themselves the “TEA Party.” Those remaining are a mix of moderates and confused right-wing politicians.    WHO REALLY BELIEVED THAT MIKE JOHNSON WOULD MAKE A GOOD SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE?   The Speaker of the House is Mike Johnson. Johnson is a Trump puppet and a member of the Freedom Caucus.    Recently Johnson pissed off his own Klan members by supporting aid for Ukraine. The Freedom Caucus is notoriously famous for their support of Trump’s puppeteer, Vladimir Putin. In an obvious move t...

America Can’t Win a War, but This Republican Wants to Give $55 Billion More to the Pentagon

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Watchdog groups claim that fifty cents out of every dollar receiv ed by the Pentagon annually is waste d. It was clear during the George W. Bu sh Administration that the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq helped the Bush family, Dick Cheney, and Deputy Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz become multi-billionaires.    “War is good business .” Investing in the military industrial complex makes billionaires out of millionaires.     THE UNITED STATES MILITARY IS POWERFUL, AND FUNDED FIVE-TIMES MORE THAN ALL OTHER NAITONS COMBINED   The annual budget of our nation’s military is nearing one-trillion dollars per year. This, combined with the fact that this amoun t is five-times more than all other nation’s combined should guarantee victory in any military conflict, large or small. So, let’s look a t history.   The Korean Conflict occurred between Jun 25, 1950 – Jul 27, 1953 . When the conflict ended, there was no winn er. T...