Aileen Cannon, Another Corrupt Judge Unfit for Office

Op-ed by TheWis eOldFart There is no justice, no law in America in 2024. The primary focus of a corrupt and dysfunctional justice system is rigging the November election in favor of Donald Trump, who is unfit for any office if the Fourteenth Amendment had not been shredded by a biased and corrupt Supreme Court. Aileen Cannon is an unqualified District Court judge appointed by the worst president in history . Although she promised to uphold the law, her decisions have all been one-sided, in support of the fascist who nominated her. Poisoning the Jury The case involved shares same situation with Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who were executed in 1955 for stealing secret documents and selling them to the Soviet Union. Trump stole 14 boxes from the White House on Ja nuary 20, 2021 and hid them at his playpen, Mar-a-Lago. When the National Archives d iscovered they were missing, Trump was ordered to return them. Only a few returned, and when questioned, Trump lie...