
Showing posts with the label Constitution

Equality: The Biggest Lie of All

        In the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, our Founding Fathers laid the groundwork for what would be the Constitution of the United States of America. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-“ The men who created the United States of America were in denial, ignoring their own failures to “put their money where their mouths were.” Most of them owned slaves, and obviously did not consider them equal to white men and women. When framing the Constitution between 1787 and 1789 during the Constitutional Convention, an agreement was made to protect the practice of owning slaves, primarily in the southern states. The Second Amendment was written for two reasons. First, to guarantee the availability of organizing an a...

Another Tragic Event in History Proving That America has Never Been a Great Country

In August of 1619 the first slaves stepped onto the New Land. This vile and inhuman act began what has become pervasive racism in the United States for more than 248 years. Republicans, with assistance from their propaganda machine, FOX News, continue to confirm that their party is composed of racists, bigots, homophobes, religious bigots, and sexists. This tells us that about one-half of all 340 million people are prejudiced without reason. One event which I never read in history class, and only learned about later in life, is demonstrative of how destructive racism has been for our nation’s future. The Black community in Tulsa, Oklahoma, had a very successful business district in 1921. However, on March 31 and June 1 st , an angry crowd of about 10,000 angry white men stormed into the Black part of Tulsa on March 31 and began attacking Black men and women while setting fire to their stores and shops. At the end of a well-planned attack on June 1 st , more than 300 Black men and women...

Tell Me Why Republicans Hate Mothers

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For some reason, Republicans worship a fetus, even when it appears to be nothing more than a polliwog. At the same, time they display their disdain for the woman who is pregnant with that miniscule biological growth developing in her uterus. This is their reasoning for the biased Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v Wade The important question is “how has the repeal of Roe v Wade affected women across America?” Red states continue to pass legislation preventing legal abortions, all too often when the situation involves rape or incest. The most stringent laws have been passed by the regressive state of Texas. IF YOU ARE A WOMAN IN TEXAS, YOU ACCEPT THE FACT THAT YOU ARE A THIRD-CLASS CITIZEN In 2021 the Republican-dominated state legislature banned medical care for women who legally chose to eliminate an unwanted pregnancy. From 2019 through 2022, “the rate of maternal mortality cases in Texas rose by 56%, compared with just 11% nationwide during ...

Are You Tired of Hearing All the Bad Things About America from Republicans?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Clips I’ve seen of the Republicans in name only Convention, are depressing. I heard yelling, lies, enormous verbal kissing of Trump’s humongous derriere, and more lies. What I heard most from every speaker were complaints about how bad things are in America. I might point out one irrefutable fact: the worst things about our country are the result of failed leadership from Republicans. Three out of the four last Republican presidents are in my estimation, the worst presidents in history. They damage they caused is immeasurable and much of it is irreparable. FACTS REPUBLICANS DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW, AND THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA WON’T TELL YOU Trump began his illegitimate presidency with efforts to undo all of the positive accomplishments made by President Obama in eight years. Here are some of the destructive plans for America if Trump riggs the election again and wins the Electoral College. Project 2025 is Trump’s vision for America, compiled by t...

Keep the Focus on Trump’s Project 2025

Keep the Focus on Trump’s Project 2025    Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   A terrib l e debate on both sides. A conviction on 34 felonie s. Democrats vacillating on President Biden’s competenc e . Another fake judge placing Trump above the law. Trump choosing a running mate who once accurately portrayed him as a “modern Hitler.”  Some moron in the RNC choosin g a very blue city i n Wisconsin as its choice to hold a national convention. A controversial    attempted assassination with more questions than answers . Unreliable polls. A convicted felon and sexual predator running for the presidency. Religion as a critical issue in a country which prohibits interference by any faith.   These are some of the issues involved in the 2024 election.    Universal healthcare, pervasive racism within law enforcement and our federal government, immigration reform, the prohibitive cost of higher education, women’s rights, domestic terrorism, voter suppression...

Shred the Constitution: Laws Only apply to Low-Income and Impoverished Americans: R.I.P. United States of America

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you refused to believe me the many times I reported the truth, you will believe me now. During the 2016 campaign, Trump bragged about being above the law. You might remember that he claimed that he could shoot someone in Times Square, and a jury would never convict him. Trump was impeached for cause in 2019 and 2021. Before the required trials in the Senate, Moscow Mitch McConnell declared him innocent of all charges. Once again, a guilty man was given a free pass based on power and wealth. Today, a federal judge, appointed by Trump, dismissed charges against our nation’s biggest criminal for violating the Espionage Act. Aileen Cannon declared Trump above the law; again. CLEARLY GUILTY Here’s the true story of a crime committed by a former president who violated a federal law so serious, it is punishable by death. On January 20, 2021, Trump moved out of the White House, taking with him an estimated fourteen boxes of national secrets. Whe...

War in 2024


Criminals on the Court

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It was 1991. With a seat open on the Supreme Court, President George H.W. Bush nominated a Black man by the name of Clarence Thomas to fill the vacancy. As the hearings progressed, a young Blcak woman was called to speak before members of the Senate. Her name was Anita Hill. Ms. Hill had been an assistant to Thomas when he became the Chairman of the EEOC IN 1982. She left in 1983. In her testimony, she accused Thomas of sexual misconduct. However, the predominately male Senate doubted her veracity, and Thomas was confirmed. From his first day on the Bench, Thomas attached himself to the most conservative justice on the Court, Antonin Scalia. However Scalia voted, Thomas voted. After Scalia’s death in 2016, Thomas became more radical. He is now considered the most controversial justice on the Supreme Court. Recently Thomas and wife “Ginny” have been under heavy scrutiny. Thomas has received millions of dollars in gifts from billionaires, some of whom were involve...

Why Everyone, and I Mean Everyone, Should Fear a Second Trump Presidency

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   We know fascism is inevitable if Trump regains the presidency, but what would that mean, and how would he achieve Putin’s goals?   Here’s what Washington insiders have learned.   Trump’s daughter-in-law slashed the staff at the RNC, removing anyone not 100 percent loyal to the orange buffoon. Trump plans to do the same within the entire federal government.   He has plans to remake federal law enforcement into his personal gestapo and enact revenge against his many, many enemies.   Plans are being made to shred the Constitution and give massive power to the executiv e branch, making the legislative and judicial branches puppets for Trump and his cronies.   He would end free and fair elections, establishing an autocratic government. He would become Fuhrer Donald Tr ump, aka “Big Adolf.”   Secretive supporters re memb er the chaos which was the Trump administration between 2017 and 2021. They are completing plans to tak e c...