
Showing posts with the label Constitution

Why Everyone, and I Mean Everyone, Should Fear a Second Trump Presidency

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   We know fascism is inevitable if Trump regains the presidency, but what would that mean, and how would he achieve Putin’s goals?   Here’s what Washington insiders have learned.   Trump’s daughter-in-law slashed the staff at the RNC, removing anyone not 100 percent loyal to the orange buffoon. Trump plans to do the same within the entire federal government.   He has plans to remake federal law enforcement into his personal gestapo and enact revenge against his many, many enemies.   Plans are being made to shred the Constitution and give massive power to the executiv e branch, making the legislative and judicial branches puppets for Trump and his cronies.   He would end free and fair elections, establishing an autocratic government. He would become Fuhrer Donald Tr ump, aka “Big Adolf.”   Secretive supporters re memb er the chaos which was the Trump administration between 2017 and 2021. They are completing plans to tak e control of the Wes t Wing immediate

Hello Kansas, Hello Fascism, and Good-Bye First Amendment

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart From January 21, 2017, until today, I have witnessed at least one incident each day when a right-wing politician displays his or her preference for the end of democracy in America, and the institution of a fascist regime, with Trump as their Fuhrer. The latest happened last week when a split decision by the Kansas Supreme Court declared that the state’s Constitution does not guarantee the right to vote. [Justice Melissa Taylor Standridge called the decision troubling, with far-reaching implications, and that the ruling “defies history, law, and logic and is just plain wrong.”] [“For over 60 years, this interpretation of section 2 has been our precedent,” she wrote. “Without even a hint that it’s doing so, the majority overturns this precedent today.”] FROM THE HIGHEST COURT IN THE LAND TO THE FIRST TERM LOCAL POLITICIAN, THE CONSTITUTION IS UNDER ATTACK The right-wing is loyal to Donald Trump. It rejects the foundation for the existence if the United States, the

The Escalation of Alito’s Failure as a Supreme Court Justice

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Samuel Alito was nominated for an open seat on the Supreme Court by George W. Bush in October of 2005, and confirmed by the Senate in January of 2006. His nomination forced close scrutiny from the left. Alito’s actions in a lower court were often controversial. However, after he swore to remain impartial, and was confirmed by a vote of 58-42. Like all right-wing politicians, he lied. ALITO AND THOMAS ARE OBVIOUSLY MEMBERS OF TRUMP’S CULT Both Alito and Clarence Thomas, who was appointed in 1991 by George H.W. Bush, continue to support issues important to the extremist faction of those who call themselves Republicans. We know that Thomas’ wife, “Ginny,” was present at the beginning of the January 6 insurrection. She openly supports the worst president in history. Records show that she and her husband received gifts in the form of luxury vacations from billionaire supporters who favor fascism, and the end of democracy in America. Alito continues his futile efforts

Religious Extremism Throughout History, not Religions are the Greatest Evil in the History of the World

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I have no doubt that most religious leaders, and their supporters, are genuine. They believe in their faith and their only goal is to share their beliefs in love, compassion, and understanding for all people. I was raised in the Catholic Church. For the most part, the priests and nuns I encountered were dedicated to their work, and lived according to their vows. This story is concerned with the destruction caused by extremists who distort the teachings of the creators of their chosen faith. THE THREE MAJOR RELIGIONS HAVE FAR MORE SIMILARITIES THAN DIFFERENCES Anyone who reads the Tora, the Koran, or the Bible from first page to last, will be somewhat surprised. The principles, guidelines for living a more spiritual life, and other basic concepts are extremely similar with only minor differences. Sadly, ambitious men continue to corrupt these treasured volumes and either rewrite them, or choose only the parts which support their vile, angry, and destructive views

Goddammit, Make My Vote Count!

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I am tired of hearing about “state’s rights.” When politicians use this term, they are not talking about the rights of the people who compose those states, they are talking about each state’s government. States would not exist without people: the people are the state. Our nation remains an “experiment,” and so far, the experiment is failing. Throughout the Constitutional Convention heated discussions were commonplace. The Bill of Rights did not just happen. Each delegate was fighting to protect the differences in the areas they represented which would become the United States of America. THE UNITED STATES HAS RARELY BEEN “UNITED” First and foremost, America has never been united, with the exception of when we were engaged in two World Wars. Only then did most Americans join together in support of our military and its fight to defeat fascism. It is a fact that other than the First Amendment, considered the greatest paragraph ever written, disagreement a

Florida is Building a New Tourist Site: Germany in the 1930’s

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Wannabe Fuhrer Ron DeSantis is at it again. His attempt to turn Florida into a fascist haven for men and women who hate America has been given more tools to accomplish the destruction of one of our nation’s most popular to urist destinations for people from around the world.    DeSantis’ Florida would be pure white, “Christian,” and only heter osexuals would be allowed to cross its borders. The governor of Florida has become one of the images we see when faced with the title of “Republican.”   DeSantis ’ latest actions involve two additional weapons for his state’s Gestapo.   HB 601 will weaken the power of oversight boards, giving additional powers to all law enforcement agencies.   SB 184 sets a 25-foot "no-go" zone around police and first responders who are "engaged in the lawful performance of a legal duty."   This law will prevent the free press and these same oversight agencies from observing the process at any designated crim