
Showing posts with the label Failed Economy

Unwarranted Hate, Caused by Unwarranted Prejudices: This is Donald Trump’s Plan for America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I may be wasting my time, my number of daily readers has declined. I can only assume that what I have to say is offensive to some. However, this issue is more important than anything else I have to say. I have always promised to offer nothing less than the absolute truth, facts which are denied by millions of Americans. If the truth makes you angry, then don’t read what I have to say. However, I will never cease to claim that “the truth lives here.” From 2013 when I began writing for a Las Vegas newspaper, one thing has never changed: my total disgust with men and women who harbor hatred based on some form of prejudice. IGNORANCE CAN BE FORGIVEN, BUT TO CHOOSE IGNORANCE OVER FACT IS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY Racism, homophobia, misogyny, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Xenophobia, and any other form of prejudice is to choose ignorance over fact, over the reality of what it means to be an American citizen. Although support for the Neo-Nazi movement in America began l...

Failed Businessman to Failed Illegitimate President: A Loser is Always a Loser

Op-ed by James Turnage History offers the truth: Trump is a failed businessman who was saved by bailouts from both the Saudi Royal Family and Russian Oligarchs. He and George W. Bush share one commonality: they both failed at everything they attempted in their lives. You say, “what about the presidency in 2016?” A senate committee confirmed in 2022 that Vladimir Putin’s interference was much greater than reported. Trump’s Electoral College victory was secured by wins in three states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Massive efforts on social media in those three states resulted in a lower voter turnout than expected. Trump won all three states by a total of less than 80,000 votes. However, if we go back to October of 2016, our own government aided Trump in his EC victory. A meeting was held in the White House one month prior to the election. In attendance were the 12 leaders of our nation’s security agencies, the leaders of both political parties, President Obama, and Vice-Presid...

Trump Avoided Justice for Nearly 60 Years Until He Was Finally Caught with His Pants Down and his Mushroom Out

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s crimes are many, and began about 60 years ago. When a 13-year-old child is forced out of his home as adolescence begins, these become the most important years of development: who and what he will become as an adult. Trump was sent away to military boarding school at the tender age of 13. When a child begins to mature, parental obligation becomes critical. The Donald Trump we know today is the sum of his life’s experience. He remains immature, desperate for love and acceptance. After his daddy paid for his diploma from Wharton Business College, Trump was given more than 400 million dollars to begin his own business. He lost that money in a very short period of time. His father’s efforts to make amends for his lack of parental ability failed, and a pattern began for a life dominated by a lack of successful business ventures and personal failures. THOSE OF US WHO HAVE STUDIED TRUMP’S LIFE ARE NOT SURPRISED Raising children is the most difficult challenge a ...