Republicans, How Dumb Are They?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If I look at the 2024 election objectively, I would swear that Republicans don’t want to win the presidency. Looking at politicians, and voters who claim to compose the GOP, if Trump is the best they have to offer, this tells us a lot about the lack of ability and intelligence coming from the right side of the aisle. Not that I would have voted for her in November, but when Nikki Haley declared her candidacy last year, I believed Republicans had a very good chance of taking back the presidency in 2024. ARROGANCE AND IGNORANCE CREATE LOSERS First, we look at the entire Republican Party. Insiders claim that most Republican politicians despise Trump. However, without the support of his cult, winning elections is nearly impossible. Hillary called them “a basket of deplorables,” and she was 100 percent accurate. Most of them support Trump for one reason: he is the leader of the white supremacist movement in America. Racism is a far more severe problem t...