
Showing posts with the label Dysfunctional Government

Yes, Democrats and Most Independents are Democratic Socialists: but All “Conservatives” are Fascists

Since 2017, the label “conservative” has become synonymous with “right-wing extremism,” and more recently “fascism.” Trump and his anti-American supporters love to call real Americans “radical, liberal leftists.” Let me offer the facts, one more time. I am proud to be a liberal, or, if you prefer, “progressive.” I have many reasons, but two of them clearly define my beliefs. I cherish the principles contained in the Constitution, and I care about other Americans as much as I care about myself. Conservatives are first and foremost liars and hypocrites. They tell the American people what they want to hear: pandering to the worst. Their only goals in the 21 st century are increasing their own power and wealth by serving their masters: our nation’s 756 oligarchs/billionaires. America was not always this fucked up. In 1968, at the age of 22, I was planning to vote in my first national election. Like all men and women my age, who were in high school when John F. Kennedy was elected, voting ...

The Old Man of the Senate Ignores the Law and Confuses His Crimes with Trump’s

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Moscow Mitch McConnell: three words which aptly describe the old man of the senate and where his loyalties have been over the last 39 years. He will be remembered as a self-serving failure who refused to do the right thing for the people of Kentucky and the United States of America. His only “accomplishment” of significance was taking unconstitutional action to stack the Supreme Court for the sole purpose of strengthening the agenda of right-wing extremists. In direct opposition to the intent of our Founding Fathers, the Court is now politicized by a margin of 6-3. The primary reason this destructive situation exists is the fact that the Supreme Court is above the law, and the foundation for this irrefutable fact is lifetime appointments with no recourse available to the American people. TERM LIMITS FOR ALL THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT ARE A MUST President Biden stated a plan to force term limits on Supreme Court justices in response to two dangerous and unconst...

An Open Letter to Congress: Hey Assholes, Do Something

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart. I have been writing for newspapers, online publications, and my own blog, “TheWiseOldFart,” for more than 12 years. I haven’t checked, but I have no doubt that I have written more articles about mass shootings and gun violence than any other subject with the exception of America’s biggest enemy, Donald Trump. I am angry, and disgusted that nothing has been done in Washington to ease the pain and fear of millions of our nation’s people. This week has been like any other week in America. Normal men, women, and children have been going about their lives without any idea that this might be their last day on earth, or they might be seriously injured by a bullet from a weapon of mass destruction. Over the Father’s Day weekend and celebrations on Juneteenth 50 Americans were shot and several lives were lost. The most recent assault on our freedom happened on Friday, June 21, in Fordyce, Arkansas.. Three persons were killed and 10 injured at a grocery sto...

What If: How Vladimir Putin’s Agent Attempted to Destroy America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart November 8, 2016 should have been a day of celebration for every American. As the polls closed, Hillary Clinton was winning the popular vote. America would have not only its first woman president, it would have chosen the most qualified candidate in history to lead our nation for the next four years. Of course this did not happen. When the votes were counted in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan a total of less than 80,000 total votes allowed these three states to decide who would be our president. The Electoral College negated the will of the people as it did in 2000.. How did this happen? I and others were confused for weeks. However, although our government denies the facts today, a story was released and then quickly redacted about a meeting held in the Oval Office in October of 2016. The subject of the meeting was to inform our nation’s leaders about the results of an investigation by all 17 agencies of America’s intelligence community completed on Octob...

Nothing is More Important to America’s Future than an Informed Electorate

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart We are responsible for one irrefutable fact: the government of the United States is the most incompetent and corrupt in the world. We the people, the voting public, without accurate information, and being led astray by the right-wing propaganda machine, FOX News, and other extremist fake news organizations, elected the worst of the worst: men and women who are woefully incompetent and have no loyalty to our nation and our people. WHEN THE END BEGAN In 2009 the Republican Party endorsed a policy which became its ultimate demise in 2017. In that fateful year, the Koch brothers, confirmed as the wealthiest billionaires in our nation behind Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, funded a group of incompetent men and women who promised to support every issue important to these anti-American billionaires. They called themselves the “TEA Party, and acronym for “taxed enough already,” a catchy name without substance or meaning. The truth is, Republican leadership h...