Growing Praise and Support for President Biden

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you are an informed voter, you know that between Trump and President Biden there is no comparison. Americans deserve an American President, not an asset of a foreign nation who would shred the Constitution and move our nation backwards into the dark days of 85 years ago. In the 1950’s nothing happened to guarantee equality for Black Americans in the United States. Few Black men and even fewer Black women were enrolled our colleges and universities. Few of the good paying jobs were given to Black men. It was illegal in most states for Blacks to openly have a romantic relationship with whites. Black women would not have the right to vote until 1965. Women were expected to be subservient to men in the mid-twentieth century. In the workplace most women made little more than 50 cents for every dollar made by men. If they wanted to keep their jobs, they were forced to accept sexual advances by the men in their current employment. Our nation was heavily dominated in...