
Showing posts with the label Chaos

Another Huge Step Towards Fascism by Your Chosen Fuhrer

The First Amendment was the only Amendment in the Bill of Rights without dissention. Our Founding Fathers considered it the most important part of the Constitution. Your most important right is the right to vote. Trump is acting as I predicted, seeking the end of free and fair elections. I begin with an allegation. I am claiming here and now that the 2024 election was rigged. Voting machines can be hacked, and after weeks of investigation into the possibilities and comparing the extremely contentious results of the 2020 and 2024 elections, I believe that the 2024 and 2016 elections were rigged by Vladimir Putin. I am also 100 percent convinced that the alleged assassination attempt in Pennsylvania was staged. That said, here is what Trump told a gathering of red state’s governors at the White House yesterday. Trump will demand “in-person” voting only. This would prevent my right to vote, and the rights of millions of other Americans. I am physically disabled and incapable of waiting in...

Yes, Democrats and Most Independents are Democratic Socialists: but All “Conservatives” are Fascists

Since 2017, the label “conservative” has become synonymous with “right-wing extremism,” and more recently “fascism.” Trump and his anti-American supporters love to call real Americans “radical, liberal leftists.” Let me offer the facts, one more time. I am proud to be a liberal, or, if you prefer, “progressive.” I have many reasons, but two of them clearly define my beliefs. I cherish the principles contained in the Constitution, and I care about other Americans as much as I care about myself. Conservatives are first and foremost liars and hypocrites. They tell the American people what they want to hear: pandering to the worst. Their only goals in the 21 st century are increasing their own power and wealth by serving their masters: our nation’s 756 oligarchs/billionaires. America was not always this fucked up. In 1968, at the age of 22, I was planning to vote in my first national election. Like all men and women my age, who were in high school when John F. Kennedy was elected, voting ...

Inner Strife in “MAGA Land” Would Never Have Happened in 1930’s Germany

By his own actions, the world is aware that Trump is a weak and needy old man, and is not a leader of men. However, it is abundantly clear by his own words and actions that his idols are Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin: the world’s two greatest enemies in history. Hitler was and Putin is all powerful. No dissent, no disagreement of any kind was allowed. Trump is a weak, wannabe dictator. He doesn’t know how to control his people. As his mental faculties continue to erode, he is just another old, white man lost in his dark and pitiful past. Although he claims the opposite, Trump has consistently chosen the worst people as aides and his closest advisers. In 2016 Steve Bannon had acted as his campaign manager in the final three months, and later as his chief policy adviser in the White House. Today, Trump has chosen Elon Musk as his co-president. Today, January 1, 2025,  the battle lines have been drawn within his MAGA/Fascist Parties of the past and present. Bannon has declared his l...

I Celebrate Turmoil in “Naziland”

Co-presidents, Donald Trump and Elon Musk are sticking together. However, other members of Trump’s American Fascist Party are revolting, and once again the turmoil is about immigration and xenophobia. The H-1B visa program is important to America’s future. It allows students from foreign nations to attend our colleges and universities and find employment at our major tech companies, including Microsoft and Google. In collusion with right-wing extremists and the fascist manifesto called Project 2025, Trump adopted a severe and unwise stand on immigration. However, in the interests of America’s tech industry, Trump’s co-president, Elon Musk, announced that he supports the H-1B visa program. After his announcement, Trump offered his support for his new friend and ally. However, the most extreme members of his fascist party have been extremely vocal about their opposition and are now in conflict with their party’s leader. Convicted felon and one of the leaders of the most extreme branch of...

Trump and His Incompetent Family Continue Their Pattern of Chaos and Disarray

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is well-known that with Trump in the White House, the atmosphere was chaotic and in disarray. Depending on the orange buffoon’s mood, the West Wing could experience anything from screaming and yelling to total confusion. There was no organization and no master plan for the daily operation inside the executive branch. A few months ago, the RNC capitulated to Trump’s demands and replaced its leadership. One of the new chairmen is Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump. She, along with Michael Whatley, are in control of every action taken by the Republican National Committee. Like every other member of the Trump Klan, it is clear that Lara has no idea what she is doing. A CONVENTION WITHOUT LEADERSHIP The Republican National Convention will take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin between July 15-18. Immediately after taking control of the RNC, Trump and Whatley fired about 60 percent of the staff. This is likely part of the reason the convention is already disorganized....