
Showing posts with the label Treason

Thursday Marked 80 Years Since D-Day. Will America Be Forced to Fight Another War Against Fascism?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart This week I watched film from June 6, 1944, known as “D-Day.” This day marked the beginning of the end of WWII. As I watched these old, black and white films, I couldn’t help but wonder who was going to die in the war to remove fascism from the free world. I know that if Trump watched any of the broadcasts, he called them all “suckers and losers.” This was not the first time. In 2018, while in Paris to honor our fallen WWI soldiers at a cemetery outside of the City of Lights, he refused to attend the event, and was overheard calling them “suckers and losers.” I would expect nothing less from a man who read Hitler’s speeches before he went to sleep each night, and was himself a draft dodger. THE LEADER OF THE NEO-NAZI MOVEMENT IN AMERICA As Trump continues to use Adolf Hitler’s game plan, and speak his words, we know that he is the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America. He revealed his association with these hate groups in 2018 as a white supremacist rally t

When One Major Party is Loyal to a Russian Agent, and not to Their Country

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I could easily blame the man c onfirmed as “the worst president in America’s history” by presidential historians for the irreparable damage to our country between 2017 and 2021. However, that would be ingenuous. The fact is without the support of the former Republican Party, Trump would be nothing but a nightmare and a memory which will n ever go away.   In 2016, prior to the November 8 election, every Republican leader denounced the idea of a Trump presidency. Moscow Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Lin dsey Graham, virtually every significant member of the GOP was a member of “the anybody but Trump club.” They were honest then, claiming that he was woefully unqualified t o become our nation’s 45 th president. They denounced his lack of morals , his disrespect for the traditions of our nation, and his refusal to act “presidential.” And let’s not pretend that they were unaware of his ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.     However, on January 20, 20

Alito and Thomas MUST Recuse Themselves from any Involvement in Cases Involving January 6, 2021

Op­-ed by TheWiseOldFart We have known for a long time that Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, Ginny, are supporters of the leader of fascism in America, Donald Trump. Recently Justice Samuel Alito confirmed his allegiance to the orange buffoon. Therefore, for the sake of justice, they cannot be involved in any case brought before the Court involving the insurrection on January 6, 2021. This is clearly a situation of conflict of interests. When two of America’s greatest enemies stacked the Court with three individuals who are biased towards the views of right-wing extremists, the SCOTUS lost all of its credibility and respect. It will only become worse if it literally flips America the middle finger and blatantly displays its fealty to America’s worst, illegitimate president. HOW CAN A GOVERNMENT SURVIVE THROUGH CORRUPTION AND LIES TO ITS PEOPLE I understand that because I will soon be 78 years of age, you expect me to support anyone in authority without reservation. You are very, v

Another Dumbass Conspiracy Theory from the Extreme Right Wing: Prepare to Laugh Out Loud

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I have read some of the most ignorant statements over the last nine years, all from right-wing politicians and their propaganda machines like FOX News. However, this latest one displays morons at their worst, and extreme desperation to kiss Trump’s humongous derriere. After the Justice Department learned that Trump lied about returning classified documents to the White House, the FBI was ordered to conduct a search of Trump’s rich boy’s playpen, Mar-a-Lago. With warrant in hand, boxes of national secrets were found in numerous hiding places within the resort. When the FBI conducts a legal search, they are always instructed to ‘use deadly force only if necessary.’ Because they know nothing about the FBI, the law, or anything related to our government, the right-wing news broadcasts went out of their f**king minds. They labeled this “an effort to assassinate Donald Trump.” (I can only dream: he is our nation’s biggest traitor). When Trump heard about the

One Trump Lackey Down, Dozens to Go

, Tr Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I enjoy writing what is known as “good news.” Today is one of those rare days in the 21 st century.   Trump pardoned many of the criminals he brought with him into the White House: Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn, to name just a couple.   However, today , Steve Bannon was in a federal appeals court attempting to have his conviction of Contempt of Congress overturned.    Bannon was originally convicted in October of 2022, and now he is going to jail.    Trump advisor, Peter Navarro is already serving time for the same crime s .   Both men refused to honor a subpoena, requiring them to testify before Congress, and produce records from their time served in the White House.   NOTHING WILL MEAN A NY THING UNTIL TRUMP IS BEHIND BARS   A snake cannot die until its head is cut off. Trump’s cult will conti n ue to divide our nation until h e is locked up and unable to stand in front of the a ll too willing television cameras and lie to the American peop