
Showing posts with the label Treason

Trump Administration Clearly Supporting Vladimir Putin

Let’s take a look back into the dark days of the first illegitimate Trump administration. The connections between Trump, his “people,” and Vladimir Putin were undeniable, and supported by “Republican” politicians. From August of 2016 until election day, the man who financed Trump’s campaign was Robert Mercer. Mercer is a billionaire whose closest friends include Russian oligarchs. He is the primary supporter of the right-wing extremist blog and radio broadcast, “Breitbart.” Two years after the illegitimate election, it was confirmed that Trump and Putin were in constant contact during the 2016 campaign. The plan to win the presidency began in Moscow in 2013. Trump’s first Secretary of State was Rex Tillerson. Tillerson formerly held the position of CEO in the Exxon Corporation. More significantly, he was close friends with Vladimir Putin, and conducted many business arrangements with the Russian President. Tillerson received the highest honor a civilian can receive who is not a Russian...


Trump and his gestapo must be stopped. The stories coming from illegally fired federal employees are reminiscent of what happened in 1930’s Germany under the horrific rule of Adolf Hitler. The truth is, Trump and Musk are following Hitler’s Mein Kampf and his own Project 2025 to the letter. Trump is following, his Project 2025 exactly, and acting like the dictator he promised to be. I read about a great deal of unrest from Democrats, the military, and voters, both Democrats and Republicans. Words are just hot air and will accomplish nothing. It’s time to drag Trump out of the White House by his cheap toupee and put him in a federal holding cell. He has been allowed to begin the destruction of our country while violating the Constitution and abusing his presidential powers long enough. Your illegitimate president should never have been allowed to take the oath of office. First and foremost, he has no intention of keeping that oath. Secondly, he is unfit to be our nation’s president if y...

Musk’s First Cabinet Meeting

  Yesterday President Musk held his first cabinet meeting. Donald Trump was also in attendance. Over the last 37 days a controversy existed in earnest. The concern was, “who is in charge in Washington?” Now we know. Co-presidents, Musk and Trump, were making the decisions. About that there was no doubt. However, it was clear that in every critical situation, Trump deferred to his brother from another mother. During yesterday’s meeting, Musk was in control, while Trump continued to mumble something on a few occasions. What makes this both interesting and disgusting is that every day Musk remains an active part of Trump’s administration is a violation of the Constitution. He is not an elected official, He has not been confirmed by the Senate. His “agency,” DOGE is non-existent. It is nothing but a fairy tale. Most importantly, Trump has given Musk access to classified information and Musk does not have a security clearance. None of this matters to Fuhrer Trump. By their words and act...

A Country Without Laws

On January 20, 2025, the United States of America took its last breath. A country cannot exist without laws: laws which are equally applied to all of its citizens without exception. On January 20 of this year America’s most destructive convicted felon was sworn in as your president. In no other nation in the entire world would a man who committed treason on television for more than three hours be allowed to remain free. To allow him to run for the presidency was one of the greatest crimes in history and will go unpunished. The greatest dangers to America are entities which control our legal processes, and possess the responsibility to protect the Law of the Land, the Constitution. Both have been corrupted and are now members of the treasonous American Nazi Party which supports Trump and his anti-American supporters. The two most important positions in the Department of Justice are the Attorney General of the United States and the Director of the FBI. A little background about the two i...

When a Traitor is Chosen to Lead Your Nation

I can’t forget it. For three hours I remained horrified as a group of thugs and villains obeyed the orders of their demagogue and violently attempted to destroy a democratic process which would become the end of America. I asked myself over and over again, “where is our military?” Countries spend fortunes on large armiesfor a single purpose: to protect their nation and their people from enemies, foreign and domestic. For three hours, in what is now the darkest day in American history, Trump did nothing with the exception of the same thing I and my wife were doing, watch the television as an act of pure treason was occurring inside our nation’s Capitol. Trump’s Nazi army was intent on accomplishing their orders: kill Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi. What didn’t happen after the television cameras were turned off was even more disturbing. What happened was “nothing.” When the insurrection, the attempted coup, failed, the men and women who continue to seek the end of the United States of Amer...

Your President is a Nazi

Trump’s first action, after lying to God and the American people without his hand on the bible, was to take a huge dump on the Constitution and the graves of every soldier who fought bravely in WWII to save the world from fascism. Trump pardoned the leader of the Proud Boys and commuted the sentence of the leader of the Oath Keepers, the two leaders of Neo-Nazi groups who helped him plan and execute the attempted coup on January 6. This proves once and for all that Trump is the official leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America, men and women whose ultimate goal is to overturn the government of the United States of America, and hand the reigns over to Vladimir Putin. Not a single Trump supporter can continue their denial that Trump is a Russian agent. By association and their brazen support for Trump, we can now confirm that all 756 billionaires in our nation are Nazi sympathizers, including Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg. We can also justify our suspicions that all leader...

Undeniable Proof That Trump Got Away With Treason

  The United States is a nation without laws and therefore justice for any man or woman with outrageous wealth and/or great power. I have been making this claim for more than a decade, and in 2024 the world was given proof that justice is non-existent in America when a corrupt Supreme Court gave Trump absolute immunity. My wife and I did not need to read the results of the select committee investigating the events of January 6, 2021. We watched all three hours of our nation’s darkest day. We heard Trump order his Neo-Nazi army to storm the Capitol and overturn our government by halting the certification of the Electoral College vote. There has been more corruption and deceit from our government and the mainstream media since that dark day. The insurrection has never been re-broadcast for everyone to see. Thankfully, there was a select committee chosen to investigate the events: the attempted coup. The results have been partially revealed. Special Prosecu...

Every Cowardly and Fake News Agency is Downplaying the Attempt to Overthrow our Government on Jan 6, 2021

Three hours. That’s how long mywife and I watched what is undoubtedly the darkest day in American history ; the day a sitting, outgoing president attempted to overthrow his own government . We watched Trump tell hisNeo-Nazi army to march to the Capitol and halt one our nation’s most sacred and democratic processes: the certification of the Electoral College vote from the 2020 election.   They followed his order s and broke into the building where our nation’s laws are passed or rejected by our legislative branch. They smashed doors, and shattered windows to gain entrance to the hallowed halls of the Capitol Building.    The y proceeded to steal what became memorabilia, smash office equipment, defecate on furniture in offices, a nd assaulted the Capitol police, while searching for Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi. They had ord e rs to kill them both.   Yesterday, the certification of Trump’s questionable  win in the Electoral College on November 5, 2024, too...

What Can I Say: It’s All There, but Will Uninformed Americans Choose to See the Truth

If the 2024 election results proved anything it is the undeniable fact that my claim about the vast majority of Americans voting for what they see and choose to believe on television decides who will lead our nation for the next four years. Most Americans are as ignorant as Trump who proudly claimed that “everything I need to know, I learn from television.” It’s called the ‘boob tube’ for a reason. He is without a doubt one of the most poorly educated and ignorant men in the world. “The elections are run by the same industries that sell toothpaste on television.” Noam Chomsky “I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” Groucho Marx Over the last nine years Trump and his party have exposed themselves completely. However, it is undoubtedly a fact that either no one was paying attention, or nobody cared. I ask you to think about one fact which proves that no one claiming to be a Republican is qualified to lead our nat...

Okay, I’ll Say it: “Your Next President Will be a Very Old White Man with a Fat Ass Who is Putin’s Puppet”

The media won’t say it. Democrats are cowards and won’t say it. Trump is not a man, he is a puppet: specifically Putin’s puppet, and has been since 1987. In 1987 the KGB invited Donald Trump and his wife, Ivana, to visit Moscow. They accepted, and spent several days in the Russian capital. In the late 1980’s Putin was a high-ranking officer in the spy organization. The next record we have is in 2013. Trump was a part-owner of the Miss Universe Pageant. He took the pageant to Moscow. A former MI-6 agent, Christopher Steele, investigated the three days and wrote a dossier describing Trump’s actions. He claims that Trump and Putin met at least once to plan the 2016 election. He also wrote about Trump’s encounter with two prostitutes which involved urination. We know that while he was pretending to be your president, he communicated with Putin frequently. Some of those conversations may have been through a secret channel created in the Seychelles Islands by Erik Prince, the bother of forme...

You Just Don’t Get It: Trump Doesn’t Care About You or What You Think

    Most American voters are uninformed, and therefore ignorant. The results of the November 5 th election, if they are not proven fraudulent, confirm my allegation. No one in the world is less qualified to be our nation’s president than Donald John Drumpf/Trump. Most voters are unhappy with Trump’s choices for his White House Staff and his plan to pardon the traitors who attempted a violent overthrow of our government on January 6, 2021. (I find it hilarious that so many politicians opposed President Biden’s pardon of his son, Hunter). The truth is, most Americans know nothing about Trump. He doesn’t care about you, yours, or what you think. He cares about himself and no one else. [Opposition is strongest from Democrats (95%), Black voters (84%), Hispanic voters (58%), urban voters (70%), white college-educated voters (59%), and voters ages 18 to 34 (58%).] Let’s be honest here. Only individuals who do not believe that the laws should apply to everyone, equally, woul...