Putin Remains America’s Greatest Enemy, and a Greater Danger and Villain to the World than Hitler

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I learned in school about the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi horde. I was about 12 when I read about the egomaniac who sought the elimination of an entire population and world domination. As a Catholic, we were taught about Judaism and the people who lived their lives according to the laws contained in the Torah. It was unimaginable that one man’s hatred would be responsible for the torture and deaths of millions of innocent men, women, and children. Could this happen again today in America? PUTIN IS WORSE THAN HITLER In 2024, the world is facing an even greater threat to the continued existence of humankty. His name is Vladimir Putin. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is a crime against every person in the world. He is slaughtering innocents for no reason other than to satisfy his own inflated ego. This little man obviously has “Bonapart’s Syndrome.” He is killing men, women, and children who have close ties with other men, women, and children in R...