
Showing posts with the label Profits Before People

The Most Expensive Military in the World Lost Every War Since WWII

Op -ed by TheWiseOldFart   Most Americans Continue to Struggle   I begin with a serious question: when will the quality of life for all Americans become the focus of our nation’s government? I am an original baby boomer. I learned at a very young age that the end of WWII was the beginning of the next military conflict for America. As long as I can remember, our government and its military have been preparing for the next war.   America has Never Prepared for Peace   The truth is that in 2024, the American people pay the least amount of tax in the world of developed nations. Many of our wealthiest citizens and largest corporations pay zero dollars in taxes, or a very minimal percentage of their gross income s . The truth is that the United States tax code is 6,871 pages long. Most of those pages are “loopholes” for the super-rich, allowing them to reduce their tax liability.   The United States Spends Five Times More on its Military than All Other Nations ...

I Learned About a Hidden Evil and Another Reason America Will Never be a Great Nation

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 2008, thanks to George W. Bush’s failed economic policy which allowed the super-rich to increase their personal wealth while ignoring the waning lifestyle of the majority, I was laid off from my last job in the private sector. It became immediately clear that I was the first because I was the oldest employee in that branch. At the time I was working for the largest electrical supply company in America. In 2009 I was hired to be a part of the 2010 Decennial Census. During that year I learned that “ageism” is a huge problem in our nation. After working in the field conducting projects critical to achieving the goal of an accurate and complete count of the number of people living in Northern Nevada, I was asked to work in the regional office in South Reno in the fall of 2009. Eventually, the number of individuals working in the office exceeded 100. Ages ranged from 18 to 80. Each person was hired for their position based on a single qualification: thei...