If You Refuse to Have Him as a Guest, If you Make Fun of Him, You Expose his Greatest Weakness: Immaturity

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Not a single legitimate television show would have him as a guest. You receive a badge of honor if you criticize him and he attacks you with nonsensical attacks. This is how we learned about the most immature, obese, old, white man in the world and why intelligent people laugh at Donald John Trump. Any man nearing 80 years of age who is obviously immature either possesses a low level of intelligence or is in the middle stages of senility. We know that Trump is a malignant narcissist, in fact he is the poster boy for this malady. It is fair to assume that his “disease” is becoming a much greater problem as he is soon to become an octogenarian. These are not “normal times.” Throughout my 77 years, 66 of which I followed politics in America, I witnessed many situations which forced presidential candidates to resign. At the top of the list is morals involving issues such as infidelity, sexual inuendo, sexual assault, and lying to the American people about any of the...