
Showing posts with the label FDR

I Can’t Wait Two More Weeks to Bitch About This

Two weeks from next Monday is the worst and most insulting holiday in America. I bitch about it every year, but thanks to the illegitimate reelection of the Antichrist, and based upon the evil he casts on our nation, I couldn’t wait two more weeks to write another rant. Presidents Day is not only the dumbest idea for a holiday I could ever imagine, it is an insult to the few great presidents who deserve to be honored. When I was a school-age boy, many years ago, we honored two very deserving presidents: Abraham Lincoln on his birthday, February 12, and George Washington on his, February 22 nd . I will not pay homage to Andrew Jackson, Herbert Hoover, Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and definitely not the worst in history, Donald Trump. There are many others who should not be remembered for anything other than the harm they did to our country, and the level of incompetence they displayed every day they were in office.. In my lifetime, I was blessed with only one great presid...

Democrats Can Kick Ass by Returning to Their Past

I’ve read all the suggestions and analys e s of the Democratic Party, and, in my estimation, they are all full of shit.   I have watched the changes in both polit i ca l parties for about 68 years, a nd I can tell you what is wrong with both of them .   For Republicans, it began in 1981 with the beginning of Reagan’s first term. Reagan demanded absolute loyalty, no dissent from any Republican was allo wed: Reagan’s word was infallible. During this     same period, support for what would be come the Christian Religious Right, and for the super-rich be came part of the party’s platform : trickle-down economics.  Over the next 44 years, it would move further and further to the right.     To win elections, Democrats also moved further to the right, abandoning their   principles and being the party of positive change: of moving bravely forward into the future. They forgot that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the most popular president in history ...

Nothing Important to the American People is Accomplished Without Democratic Leadership

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Republicans are incapable of leading America. This was proven most recently by Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. They caused enormous damage to our economy and are responsible for the increase in our national debt and income inequality thanks to their use of “trickle-down economics.” Let’s focus on how important accomplishments are not possible without Democratic leadership. HELP FROM AMERICA’S GREATEST PRESIDENT I would be happy to debate two issues with anyone: in our nation’s history, who were the greatest and the worst presidents? Although it didn’t require a group of presidential historians to decide that Donald John Trump will forever be the worst president in American history, I’m glad they confirmed what we already knew. Not only did he fail to accomplish one thing in four years, he attempted to overthrow our government before being evicted from the White House. He brags about many things, none of them t...

The “Experts” Got One Right: The Worst Illegitimate President in History: You Guessed It

Op-ed by TheWiseOld Fart   A recent poll of presidential scholars ranked our nation’s presidents 1-45, Grover Cleveland was elected twice, but not consecutively, from best to worst. I agree with one of their findings but disagree with others. My criteria are much less convoluted. I rate presidents by what they accomplished for the American people or for the damage they caused while pretending to be an American President.   Although it is very close , I will always believe that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the greatest president in history. Every action by the president who served longer than any other was in service of the majority.   Lincoln, Washington, T. Roosevelt, and Jefferson would follow, but this is where my differences begin.   Placing Truman in sixth place is an honor he does not deserve. Other than the fact that he was well-known as a racist and bigot, in my estimation he was the greatest mass murderer in history. He made a single decision based on ex...