
Showing posts with the label Hatred

Guess Who: Egomaniac, Whiny Spoiled Rich Kid, Malignant Narcissist, Bully, the Most Hated Old Man in America

  He is very old and will be 80 in just 15 months. He wears a bad wig. He attempts to hide his lumpy skin with orange make-up. He is angry, filled with hate, and worships Hitler and Putin. Unable to accept even the smallest of criticisms, he flies into a rage easily. Still can’t name the man who is the focus of this article? I offer one more clue: he is the least qualified man in history to hold any public office. You got it! He is your 47 th president, but not mine: Donald “the Traitor” Trump. He is also known as “Don the Destroyer,” the late Jeffrey Epstein’s best friend, and “Putin’s Puppet.” There are many more, including my own, “Trumpenstein.” Every time I hear the name “Trump” I throw up a little in my mouth. When I hear his irritating voice I mute the television. The latter happens frequently because the failed mainstream media loves him and covers him constantly, although he is nothing but another boring, ridiculous, and sad reality show bad actor. Why am I writing this? ...

Will America’s Tech Industry Experience a Huge Decline in 2025 and Beyond?

One of Trump’s many moronic plans, among Tariffs which will increase prices for consumers, and a national sales tax which will add to the grief of the working class, is a travel ban from several nations into the United States. More than any other industry, this will negatively affect the Tech industry. Microsoft and Google employ students from several nations under the H-1B visa program. It has become difficult to find qualified men and women in our universities who are capable of filling their needs. Much of this problem is the exorbitant cost of higher education in America. Each year American businesses lose some of our greatest minds simply because they cannot afford the cost of higher education. America’s co-president, Elon Musk, has offered his support for the H-1B visa program. However, right-wing extremists with fascist ambitions are demanding an end to the policy. Administrators and faculty from multiple colleges and universities have advised their foreign students to return to...

This is not My Country, Apparently This is the One You Chose

i If you’ve listened to one Trump speech, you’ve heard them all. Regardless of how they begin, they will always include fear, anger, hatred, and a suggestion of violence in his name. Unable to accept the slightest criticism, Trump is a vengeful man who is incapable of compassion for his fellow man. He has a mental defect known as “malignant narcissism,” and this prevents him from possessing normal human attributes. After Trump was gifted the presidency by the Electoral College in 2016, with the assistance of Vladimir Putin, James Comey, and the mainstream media, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported an 800 percent increase in hate crime. Between 2017 and 2021, every time Trump opened his pie hole, he offered his supporters the beliefs of men and women involved in the Neo-Nazi movement across America. Unless you were visiting another planet between 2015 and today, you are aware that his idols are Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin. Read this definition, and tell me you can find one part...

Any More Doubts About Trump and His Prejudicial and Fascist Party?

  One of the most American results of the 2024 election was the victory of Sarah McBride. The people of Delaware made history when they chose the first transgender woman to support them in the House of Representatives.S However, right-wing extremist and homophobe, Nancy Mace, from South Carolina, has introduced a bill which would prevent Ms. McBride from using the women’s restrooms in the Capitol Building. Once again, Trump’s “people” prove that my America no longer exists. Our nation has never been a great nation and likely never will be. How easily we forget the Declaration of Independence when it satisfies our personal and twisted beliefs. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.--That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the govern...

A Typical Trump Supporter Shows his Support for Trump’s Tactics: Anger, Hatred, and Violence

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart No surprise, it happened in the strange state of Texas. I sometimes think we should have supported their wish to secede from the Union. In southeast San Antonio, a 63-year-old-man by the name of Jesse Lutzenberger arrived at his polling place to select his choices for the 2024 election. He was wearing one of Trump’s red MAGA caps. He was asked to remove the hat. Texas’ laws forbid wearing any item which promotes one candidate over another in the voting area. He initially complied. However, when he finished voting, he placed his hat on his head as he was walking out of the voting area. A 69-year-old volunteer immediately began to escort him out of the building when Lutzenberger started punching him in the face and chest. The volunteer was treated by EMT’s and sent home. Lutzenberger was arrested at his home and was charged with several crimes. He is in jail with a $30,000 bail required for his release. This is all Trump’s fault. Recently the orange traitor was he...

Unwarranted Hate, Caused by Unwarranted Prejudices: This is Donald Trump’s Plan for America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I may be wasting my time, my number of daily readers has declined. I can only assume that what I have to say is offensive to some. However, this issue is more important than anything else I have to say. I have always promised to offer nothing less than the absolute truth, facts which are denied by millions of Americans. If the truth makes you angry, then don’t read what I have to say. However, I will never cease to claim that “the truth lives here.” From 2013 when I began writing for a Las Vegas newspaper, one thing has never changed: my total disgust with men and women who harbor hatred based on some form of prejudice. IGNORANCE CAN BE FORGIVEN, BUT TO CHOOSE IGNORANCE OVER FACT IS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY Racism, homophobia, misogyny, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Xenophobia, and any other form of prejudice is to choose ignorance over fact, over the reality of what it means to be an American citizen. Although support for the Neo-Nazi movement in America began l...

Trump has an Excuse for Being Your Basic A**hole

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Like the schoolyard bully he is, Trump calls all of his adversaries a variety of meaningless names. He does this because he cannot discuss the issues he knows nothing and cares nothing about. He also engages in these immature actions because he is hiding his true and pitiful inability to use his shrinking brain. He is an old, obese, senile white man. Desperation has made a fool out of many men, and Trump is now numbered among them. Trump explained why he continues his sad efforts to demean his much younger, far more intelligent, and accomplished adversary. "I think I am entitled to personal attacks. I do not have a lot of respect for her. I don't have a lot of respect for her intelligence, and I think she'll be a terrible president. And I think it is very important that we win. And whether the personal attacks are good, bad – I mean, she certainly attacks me personally. She actually called me weird. 'He's weird,'" he said. ...

Times When Trump Suggested his Rivals be Maimed or Murdered

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart As the title of a story in the Daily Kos suggests: “He Wanted Violence, He Got It.” It’s nothing new for Trump and other right-wing extremists who support a fascist regime for America to suggest violence and even murder as fair punishment for their rivals. "Even in elementary school, I was a very assertive, aggressive kid. In the second grade I actually gave a teacher a black eye. I punched my music teacher because I didn't think he knew anything about music.” Donald Trump, Art of the Deal, 1987. Now I understand why he was sent to a military boarding school at the age of thirteen. “For many years I’ve said that if someone screws you, screw them back. When somebody hurts you, just go after them as viciously and as violently as you can.” Donald Trump, How to Get Rich, 2004 . “I would bring back waterboarding. And I would bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding.” Donald Trump, 6 February 2016 October 2019 — Trump asks if migrants...

Why Would Anyone Who Loves America not Consider the Possibility that Someone Might Assassinate a Traitor to our Country?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I could never do it. I might think about it, but I find physical violence an act of ignorance, and a lack of ability to solve problems through deliberation and compromise. However, my disdain for Trump allows my thought process to drift into the darkest recesses of my mind and wish that Trump would go away and free our nation from a man who is pure evil: the most-hated man in the world. Yesterday, July 13, 2024, a lone gunman apparently attempted to kill Donald Trump. The orange buffoon is partially to blame. Throughout his many rallies, Trump constantly preaches anger, hatred, revenge, and violence. Much of the harm resulting from Trump’s illegitimate presidency is irreversible. It is logical to assume that those who love our country would consider responding to Trump’s fascist agenda. HOW MY MORNINGS BEGIN I cannot completely explain how I feel about Donald Trump, also known as “Big Adolf.” Consider this: what if you were an original baby boomer, born in 1946,...

We Don’t Need Florida and We Don’t Want DeSantis

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Florida does not produce anything needed by the other 49 states. Florida welcomes tourism from our states, and without tourism it would be a large ghost town. The policies of their Governor, Ron DeSantis, do not resemble the values and principles of my state and most others. He is clearly a racist, a fascist, a homophobe, and literally hates the people he invites to his state. But he needs their money. Let’s remove statehood from the “Sunshine State.” OF COURSE, I’M NOT SERIOUS My daughter and her family live in Florida. More accurately, they exist in Florida. The weather is horrible: hot and humid. Other than public beaches, the average Floridian cannot afford the theme parks and other attractions designed to captivate the interest of tourists. My daughter and her daughters are progressive and have difficulty with many of those in authority whose thought process is often aimed in a backwards direction. I admire my daughter and son-in-law for raising...

Remembering America: Why our Military, and Law Enforcement Support Trump

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump is clearly a fascist. This is an undeniable fact based on his own words and actions. You may still ask why our military and law enforcement support him. The answer is simple: both organizations are in fact fascist. They are controlled by dictators, and their operations depend on totalitarianism and extreme nationalism.   If Trump is reelected in November, he will immediately declare martial law, and place himself in power as a dictator, more accurately a Fuhrer.     He said it and his American Fascist Party supports it.   THINK ABOUT THE FACTS   When members of congress asked for assistance from our military during the January 6, 2021 , attempted coup, they declined.   Several members involved in the violent insurrection were current or former members of our military or law enforcement agencies.   Who can the people, who are America, turn to in our time of need?   The answer , no one. Now that the Supre...

Republicans Don’t Play Fair Because They Are Playing a Different Game

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you haven’t noticed; I have. If you ask any man or woman who calls themselves a “Republican” a direct question, you will never get a direct answer. They will always redirect the question and offer their own opinion, their own agenda, literally refusing to answer a question they don’t want to answer. Some people might say, “they’re talking out of their asses.” But not me! If you know this current American Fascist Party as I do, you know that they live in an alternate world, and are playing a different game of political chess or maybe more accurately, political checkers. They exist on lies and misdirection. Their greatest enemy is the truth. RIGHT WING MEDIA HAS BRAINWASHED MILLIONS OF AMERICANS WHO CHOOSE TO BE IGNORANT There is only one qualification for employment at FOX News or to run for office under the banner of the Republican Party: you must be willing to constantly lie in support of right-wing extremist policies and your Fuhrer. They claim to worship T...