How Much Do You Know About Social Security and the COLA?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart On August 14, 1935, the greatest President in history signed the Social Security Act. Contributions from both employer and employee would guarantee every working man and woman an income after retirement. It would cost the federal government nothing. Everything our government tells you is a lie, or at best a ‘half-truth.’ I know because I am one of 66 million American seniors who receive Social Security. Many of us have no other income than what we receive from our many years of participation in the only perfect law in our nation’s history. For our entire working lives we and our employers participated in the program, a plan intended to be self-sustaining. However, our corrupt government began diverting funds designed to provide for the retirement of our oldest citizens almost immediately, and in the 21 st century our only source of income is in danger of experiencing alterations which could adversely affect our most vulnerable citizens. This is another at...