End Genocide Everywhere Without Exception

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Hatred is the darkest emotion and the greatest danger to mankind. When such a severe emotion controls a person or group, what follows is inevitable: violence and death. Hatred is sometimes personal, but frequently includes an entire race, other demographics, or religious sect. This is an act of pure ignorance and a low level of basic intelligence. AMERICA HAS A 405 YEAR HISTORY OF RACISM AND BIGOTY Although it is true that our nation has a more than 400-year history of extreme racism and bigotry, which continues today, the United States is not alone in its crimes against humanity. Greed, jealousy, and envy pare segments of the ultimate and most despicable emotion owned by human beigns: hate. RELIGIONS WERE ALL FOUNDED ON PEACE AND LOVE IN THEIR ORIGIN Much of the world’s history involves violence between religions. Battles between Pagans and Christians led to the Crusades and war between Christians and Muslims. These bloody and senseless battles began in 10...