
Showing posts with the label Trust

Traitors Among Us Are Leading Us to Hell

I have feelings of overwhelming sadness today. I woke up this morning thinking about my life and how it was so very different from the obese old Nazi is now pretending to be your president. Trump was born on June 15, 1946. The day I came into this world was just three weeks later on July 7, 1946. Our paths never crossed. Trump’s path led him into the depths of everything which is wrong with the world today. He was born into a world of wealth and extreme white privilege and taught to hate anyone who was not like him. Money was his family’s god and achieving greater wealth was the family’s only goal. My family was probably considered poor when I was born in Lewiston, Idaho. However, my mother’s family was very warm and loving. The Catholic Church was at the center of their lives, and they lived according to those deep beliefs in what they were taught, a high moral standard, unbreakable principles, and respect for others,  The word “hate” was not in their vocabulary. Now that both of ...

A List of Confirmed Enemies of the People of the United States of America

This list I give you does not come from the government, or the mainstream media. It comes from facts based on my 78 years of experience as a citizen of the United States of America. The American people have more enemies than friends. Based on the way Trump mistreated our allies between 2017 and 2021, and what he plans to do to them beginning in January, 2025, we will be hated by some of our closest allies. It will be unsafe for any American citizen to travel outside of our own country. However, we have much more to worry about right here in the “lower 48.” The most frightening enemy to the vast majority of Americans is its own government. After the results of the 2024 election, which I have reason to believe were definitely rigged, again, the quality of life for most will begin to decline. All members of our government will hide the truth for the same old bogus reason: “for reasons of national security.” Why don’t they just call it what it is: incompetence? Over the last nine years, al...

Breaking my Own Rules

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart From the first time I could vote in an election, 1968, I have been an Independent. I will always be a non-partisan voter. I believe that voting for a member of a party is ignorant, and causes great harm to our nation. Everyone should vote for the best candidate: the man or woman whose position on the most important issues are most closely aligned with your own. Having said that, I will admit to you that in this election, I cannot vote for any Republican. To my knowledge, all “Republicans” in Washington support the worst man in the world, and therefore his destructive plans for my country’s future. Everything I see and read confirms my fear that the entire right side of our political system surrendered its values, morals, and principles in 2017 and continues to do so today. Trump is most likely the worst man in the world. He is intentionally attempting to destroy a nation which could become the greatest in history for his own benefit. If you support Trump, you ar...

Lies Are Easy to Accept: The Truth, Not so Much

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I have readers who don’t like what I write. Some of them hate me, although they don’t know me. I am guilty of only one thing: I write the truth. The truth is often difficult to accept, while lies which play on our emotions are eagerly embraced. I admit to mistakes. Sometimes there are errors in my research, and sometimes individuals I considered trustworthy were dishonest and my radar was turned off. However, my articles are never the result of lies or conspiracy theories posted on social media, or from right-wing extremist blogs, podcasts, or television broadcasts. To the best of my ability, the truth will always live here. Although Ronald Reagan was a complete fraud, he said one thing I have never forgotten: “trust but verify.” I also believe in the writer’s instruction manual, which is composed of just six words: who, what, why, when, where, and how. Sadly, the 21 st century, “the age of information,” has too much information. Most of it is false because mos...

I Need Someone to Trust, but Who?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart What have I learned at the age of 78? I cannot trust anyone. I am no different from millions of other Americans when I admit that I have no faith in anyone in Washington. The government of the United States has become the most corrupt in all free and developed nations. Although the men and women who who are elected to serve the American people, to help us achieve our needs and wishes, promise to do just that during their campaigns, but when they are elected they ignore us and focus on the goals and ambitions of their political parties. Polls prove that the entire right side of the aisle is opposed to every issue of importance to the majority of our nation’s people. Included are fair taxation, protecting Social Security and Medicare, universal healthcare, sensible immigration reform, free or affordable education, protecting voter rights, and guaranteeing the right of all women to decide the future of her personal mental and physical health. Instead, “Republicans”...

Not a Single Person in the World can Claim to be Rated 100 Percent on the Mental Health Scale

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 2024, the world’s population is 8,019,876,189. Of course this is an estimate. There is no possible way that every nation can accurately report its population, including the United States. I helped in conducting the 2010 Decennial Census, and I know this for a fact. However, I can offer one irrefutable fact: not a single person in this world of ours can claim to be 100 percent mentally healthy. Human beings suffer mental illness, some more than others. To deny this is to deny historical fact. Our minds are not always clear and logical. Every day we question everything, including ourselves. The truth is that anyone who believes they are without mental deficiency is batshit crazy. WHY AM I WRITING ABOUT THIS? My point is simple and undeniable. Unless you live with someone, you don’t know them, and even then, it is a well-known fact that husbands and wives often keep secrets from one another. My purpose is also simple and based on fact. Do not bel...

Who Can You Trust?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I may have been naïve. This baby boomer grew up trusting everyone older than me, especially those with authority and power. I firmly believed that our government placed the welfare of its people as priority number one. I believed the slogan on the side of police cars was sincere: “to Protect and to Serve.” When my priest gave his sermon, I trusted him with all my heart. I knew that my teachers, including the nuns, loved their jobs and would make my life better. I watched the evening news and believed every word. But things have changed over my 77 years. I no longer trust anyone who has power over me and those I love. Trust is earned and most of what I believed in my younger days no longer exists. No one in Washington can be trusted. Over the years I have less and less faith in Congress. Of the 13 presidents I remember, only five of them were competent and true patriots, and it may surprise you but Richard Nixon was one of them. His huge mistake was unforgi...

The Media is a Failure: They Refuse to Admit that Trump is America’s Greatest Lifetime Criminal

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The fact that Trump and his Klan are lifetime criminals is irrefutable. However, the mainstream media continues to support our nation’s greatest traitor. Not once over the last eight years have they been truthful about the evil that is Donald John Trump. Throughout the 2016 campaign the media gave him five-times more coverage than all other candidates combined, proving that they supported the man who would later attempt to destroy the government of the United States. Our Founding Fathers established several safeguards in the Bill of Rights designed to protect the American people from corruption in our government. The most effective rule protected the press from prosecution for exposing crimes committed by our elected officials. Over the last 40+ years a once respected fourth estate has itself become corrupted. Factual stories about Trump prove that he and his supporters are above the law and confirm that our justice system is not blind and i...

In 2023 We Have “The United States of Corruption”

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   There is no government in the world of developed nations more corrupt than the one occupying seats in the Capitol Building of the United States of America. They are the primary reason why I am ashamed to be an American citizen in the 21 st century. Let me tell you a story. There was a man born in Brooklyn on June 14, 1946. He was the son of a moderately wealthy family which according to other family members offered little more than food and lodging for their new addition. It was not a home filled with love and support. In 1959, at the age of 13, the young man was removed from aloveless home and placed in a military-style boarding school. There was nothing remarkable about him, he was nothing more than another castoff from a wealthy family who chose to have someone else raise their child. After his tenure was complete, he was accepted by Fordham University. His father, a New York businessman, found this less than adequate, paid for a defer...