
Showing posts with the label Republicans

I Can Remember a Time Long Ago When Some Republicans Did not Lie All of the Time

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “BT.” That is what I call America “Before Trump.” It was undoubtedly a different, kinder, and more intelligent country. I live in Northern Nevada. I was watching television when a Republican ad was broadcast. It accused Democratic Senatorial candidate, Jacky Rosen, of many things, not one of which was based on fact. Lies, lies, and more lies. It made me angry, because nothing upsets me more than being lied to, especially because I am an educated and informed voter. HONESTY, THE EXCHANGE OF IDEAS, AND A WILLINGNESS TO WORK TOGETHER FOR COMPROMISE ARE LONG GONE Why are the tactics which worked so well in a Democratic Republic no longer used in Washington? The truth is so simple, it may surprise you. After eight years of the Reagan administration, which included the beginnings of wars on the working class, women, minorities, the LGBTQ community, and all religions not labeled “Christian,” the American people sought a more progressive path for our nation.

This Story Explains Support for Trump from Evangelical Leaders

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you are 40 years old or under, you’ve probably never heard this old saying: “birds of a feather, flock together.” It’s ancient by modern standards, but it remains true in the 21 st century. It simply means that people who share the same beliefs support each other. This is one of those situations. I FIND IT UNBELIEVABLE THAT ANY TRULY RELIGIOUS PERSON COULD SUPPORT “TRUMPENSTEIN” Think about this: after four years of a failed presidency, indictments for 91 felonies, confirmation that he is a sexual predator, learning that he supports a godless and racist political ideology, fascism, and admission by his own words that if he is reelected, he will escalate his message of anger and hatred for anyone who is not loyal to him, Evangelical leaders continue to support Donald Trump. The explanation for this atrocity is found in a recent exposure of one of Trump’s most adamant supporters. Robert Morris is now the pastor at a Texas megachurch. He pretended to

Republicans Don’t Play Fair Because They Are Playing a Different Game

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you haven’t noticed; I have. If you ask any man or woman who calls themselves a “Republican” a direct question, you will never get a direct answer. They will always redirect the question and offer their own opinion, their own agenda, literally refusing to answer a question they don’t want to answer. Some people might say, “they’re talking out of their asses.” But not me! If you know this current American Fascist Party as I do, you know that they live in an alternate world, and are playing a different game of political chess or maybe more accurately, political checkers. They exist on lies and misdirection. Their greatest enemy is the truth. RIGHT WING MEDIA HAS BRAINWASHED MILLIONS OF AMERICANS WHO CHOOSE TO BE IGNORANT There is only one qualification for employment at FOX News or to run for office under the banner of the Republican Party: you must be willing to constantly lie in support of right-wing extremist policies and your Fuhrer. They claim to worship T

Have the American People Been Offered the Best “Republican” Possible Over the Last Eight Years?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I remember 13 U.S. Presidents. I was born in 1946 and have no memory of Harry Truman. Therefore, I witnessed 19 elections. I may be naïve, but I naturally assumed that both parties attempted to offer the best candidates available from their side of the aisle.    Of course , I know that this was far from the truth, but I never gave it much thought until it became evident that Trump and President Biden would win their party’s nominations again in 2024 .   MORE PROOF THAT THE ONCE GRAND OLD PARTY IS NOTHING BUT A MEMORY   In the last three elections, those calling themselves Republicans offered us the same, old, obese, dim witted, orange buffoon. If he is the best they have to offer, a failure in life, a sexual predator, the leader of America’s Neo-Nazi movement, and now a convicted felon, what does that say about the entire GOP?   I am not being facetious. How is it possible that voters, regardless of how ignorant they may be, cursed our nation with the lik

If You are a Working-Class Man or Woman, You Probably Hate Petroleum Corporations

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   From the time I could afford to purchase my first automobile, I began to understand why everyone complained about gas prices.   Now, at the mature age of 77, I can tell you why they piss of f just about everyone .   The oil and gas industry began the practice of “Greedflation” about 50 years ago. Whenever they had ac cidents , spills or were forced to make expensive repairs to their aging equipment, they would arbitrarily raise prices at the pump. If you live near a resort area, like me, you notice that the prices are much higher in that area than where you live. I live near Lake Tahoe, and not only is this a fact, the se companies raise prices down here in Reno and up in Lake Tahoe prior to every holiday. Tahoe no longer has a commercial airport.   LAST WEEK TRUMP OFFERED 20 OIL EXECUTIVES A BRIBE   It was revealed that last week Trump met with 20 gas and oil executives at Mar-a-Lago. He told them that if they would donate one-billion dollars to his re