
Showing posts with the label Hypocrisy

Trump is Proof that America has Never Been a Great Nation, and Never Will Be

The rich don’t need help. White, middle-class people don’t need help. Men and women in positions of power don’t need help. The vast majority: the working class, families living in the low-income bracket, the poor, the homeless, the disenfranchised, all need help. Someone please tell Trump and Musk that these statements are facts. Also inform them that first and foremost it is the responsibility of the president, congress and the Supreme Court to serve the majority. Their first priority should be improving the quality of life for all Americans. Over the last 24 days these two old white men intentionally destroyed much of the progress made for all Americans over the last 60-70 years. This is a lifetime pattern for Donald John Trump. This is why he never has and never will accomplish anything which produces positive results. Between 2017 and 2021 Trump did nothing but increase the division between our country’s people, give tax breaks to those who do not need or deserve them, and support ...

And I Thought Trump Lacked a Sense of Humor: I Can’t Stop Laughing

  Okay, when Trump announced his choice of Little Marco Rubio to be his Secretary of State, I chuckled. Rubio is known as “the laziest senator in Washington.” He was expected not run for reelection in 2016. However, Moscow Mitch McConnel was desperate to retain Republican numbers in the senate and convinced him to remain on the ballot. When I read that Trump planned to nominate Rubio for Secretary of State, I assumed the orange buffoon had found a sense of humor, so I laughed a little. These two hate each other, and have since the 2016 campaign. As Trump began to announce other choices for his White House staff, I thought he was planning a modern version of the 1933 Marx Brothers movie, “Duck Soup.” I laughed even harder when I heard that Elise Stefanik would be his choice for U.N. Ambassador. When I read that a Fox personality was his choice for Secretary of Defense, I laughed so hard tears began to fall. Pete Hegseth has no experience in government and his views are harsh, ...

Former Senator John McCain’s Youngest Son Explains his Disdain for Trump’s Campaign Stunt at Arlington

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Patriotism is not limited to those who served in our military. However, for most of our women and men who wore the uniform of any branch of our military forces they experienced something unique. After serving their time, they retained a special quality and what they learned during a significant part of their lives. Although Trump calls members of our armed forces “fools and suckers” who gave their lives in service to their country, current and former members of our military experience deep and sometimes undefinable emotion when they visit the hallowed ground where deceased members of our armed forces are resting for eternity. For Trump to use Arlington National Cemetery, or any other location dedicated to our fallen heroes as a background for a political stunt, and a photo op, is an insult to every man and woman who ever wore the uniform. Each of these men and women did so knowing that they were members of a very long list of others who believed that serving the...

Hypocrite Haley Getting What She Deserves

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “I’m devoted to Donald Trump.” “Donald Trump is unfit for office.” “Let me make it clear, I support Donald Trump 100 percent.” All of these comments were made by Niki Haley. The first was when she was the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, during the time when Trump was pretending to be your president. The second was just one of many negative remarks made by Haley in 2023 and early in 2024 when she was hoping to win the Republican Party’s presidential nomination. The third was at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. To call Haley a hypocrite is much too kind. During her effort to win the nomination, it was well-known that Haley was an alternative to Trump. Republicans who did not choose ignorance over reality were glad to offer their support to the former governor of South Carolina. Today Haley threatened to seek a “cease and desist order” against those same supporters. REPUBLICANS SAY “NO” TO TRUMP, AND “YES” TO KAMALA HARRIS...

How Dumb and Incompetent is the State Government of Texas?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It must be a disease which only affects red states. Extreme stupidity. I call it “chronic conservatism,” which removes both the ability to think clearly, and any concern for the people of their states. In February of 2021, while the people of Texas were suffering from a devastating cold front, and many thousands were without power to heat their homes, Senator Ted Cruz displayed a level of incompetence combined with complete apathy for the men, women, and children he represented by leaving the state, and flying to Cancun, Mexico. This earned him the justifiable nickname of “Cancun Cruz.” Last Friday, Governor Greg Abbott left the United States. He flew to Asia to participate in a discussion about increasing tourism. He was aware that it was likely that Hurricane Beryl would devastate towns and cities close to the Gulf of Mexico, but there was a big party to attend in Tokyo. He left his Lieutenant Governor in charge. As of yesterday, more than 500,000 Texans in th...

Stop Shoving Your Religion in My Face

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you love your religion, and are serious about its teachings, I am not only happy for you, I would fight for your right to practice that religion. However, I cherish the First Amendment which guarantees my right to reject all organized religions, and forbids the influence of religion into our government. It is clearly written, and I demand that my rights are of equal importance to those who claim to be religious. America never was a religious nation, and never should be. Our Founding Fathers left England when King George III removed freedom of or from religion. This is why the first line in the Bill of Rights says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” RIGHT WING POLITICIANS, DESPERATE FOR VOTES, SEEK THE REPEAL OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT There is no doubt that the party on the right side of the aisle is owned by special interests. Their votes are bought and paid for by lobbies, with the use...

Republicans, How Dumb Are They?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If I look at the 2024 election objectively, I would swear that Republicans don’t want to win the presidency. Looking at politicians, and voters who claim to compose the GOP, if Trump is the best they have to offer, this tells us a lot about the lack of ability and intelligence coming from the right side of the aisle. Not that I would have voted for her in November, but when Nikki Haley declared her candidacy last year, I believed Republicans had a very good chance of taking back the presidency in 2024. ARROGANCE AND IGNORANCE CREATE LOSERS First, we look at the entire Republican Party. Insiders claim that most Republican politicians despise Trump. However, without the support of his cult, winning elections is nearly impossible. Hillary called them “a basket of deplorables,” and she was 100 percent accurate. Most of them support Trump for one reason: he is the leader of the white supremacist movement in America. Racism is a far more severe problem t...

Why is Anyone Interested in Who Trump Will Choose for VP?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart There are always stories I don’t read because I simply don’t care about the subject. There is one subject which is frequently on the pages of every news publication which is of zero interest to me. Who Trump chooses as his VP will have no effect on the election. Mike Pence was not a Vice-President, his only function was to kiss Trump’s humongous derriere as often as possible. Although that is all he did for four years, Trump ordered his murder on January 6. IT’S ALL ABOUT THE WORST MAN IN THE WORLD Let’s go back to the 2020 election. Republicans once offered us two old, white, racist, and bigoted men. Neither had any experience in governing 330+ million Americans. Although Trump and Pence had completed nearly four years in office, they accomplished nothing because they never tried. They had no idea what the hell they were doing. They pretended to be your leaders, but never learned how to perform their jobs. What they did accomplish was to divide our nation, undo...

Trump Loves Louisiana’s Unconstitutional Ten Commandments Law: It Reminds him of Better Times

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “Republicans” in Louisiana passed a law last week which will surely be voided by the Supreme Court for one reason, It clearly and literally violates the First Amendment. Placing a poster of the ten commandments in every classroom is not stupid, it is moronic. I was initially undecided. I wasn’t sure if Trump would be angry, because they would remind voters of his many crimes. Later I realized that the malignant narcissist would love it because they remind him of some of the best times of his life; before he agreed to run for the presidency. Read all ten and think of Trump as you do. You shall have no other Gods before me You shall not make for yourselves an idol You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy Honor your father and your mother You shall not murder You shall not commit adultery You shall not steal You shall not give false testimony You shall not covet LET’S BEGIN AT T...

Akron, Ohio: Another Example Why I Reject Organized Religion

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense. Another day in America, another mass shooting, and another day proving that domestic terrorism is the greatest danger to the American people and no one cares. Over the weekend there was a huge mass shooting in Akron, Ohio. One person died and 24 were injured. The usual displays of shock, anger, and sympathy followed in the aftermath. As usual, nothing will change, and nothing will be considered in congress to stem the tide of growing gun violence in America. RELIGIOUS LEADERS MUST END THEIR HIPOCRATIC POLICIES After the carnage in Akron, one minister called for everyone to “lay down their guns.” However, Christian religious leaders continue to support right-wing politicians who are joined with the NRA gun lobby in preventing any changes to our gun laws. “Profit Before People” is the motto of all politicians who pretend to be “Republi...

Nikki Haley Would Have Been a Female Version of Trump

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For most Americans, all they know about Nikki Haley is that she is a woman and challenged Trump for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination, and failed. Haley was supported by the radical TEA Party in 2010 as she was running for the Governor of South Carolina. She won, and was easily reelected in 2014. Although I was skeptical, knowing that TEA Party candidates have been woefully unqualified. However, Haley was a good governor, placing the people of South Carolina in priority number one. For this writer, she was impressive. Then came Trump. VERY DISAPPOINTED: WHERE HAVE THE REAL REPUBLICANS GONE? Trump chose Haley to be our country’s ambassador to the United Nations. She immediately joined other Republicans as a hypocrite. She constantly praised “Big Adolf,” bowing to his decision to violate the Constitution daily. Last year she moved her opinions another 180 degrees as she challenged Trump for the Republican Party’s nomination. Her at...

Was Anyone not Aware that the GOP is Racist and Homophobic?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   On Easter Sunday President Biden recognized a small and maligned group of Americans. Since 2009, March 31 st has been a day for recognizing the plight of Americans who identify themselves as transexuals. After mentioning this fact , t he President was immediately attacked by Trump and his Fascist Party, calling him everything imaginable including “ A Satan worshipper.”   I want to inform every member of the fake Republican Party that real Americans were already aware that they are racists, bigots, homophobes, and misogyni sts. We did not need additional proof.   Has Easter Sunday Become a Day to Celebrate Hatred and Prejudice?   It would appear that Easter Sunday is no longer a day for Christians to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but a day to express hatred and pr ejudice for anyone who is not white and heterosexual.   Diversity is America’s Greatness, and Includes Sexual Orien tation   Freedom is a word whi...