
Showing posts with the label RINOs

Nixon Signed the Bill Which Created the EPA, and Roe v Wade was Upheld During His Presidency

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I claim that the once Grand Old Party began its demise in 1981 and imploded once and for all on January 20, 2017. I will also tell you that the last Republican president was Richard Nixon. Reagan, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump lacked the principles and morals of the Party of Lincoln. Although George H.W. Bush was a respectable Republican, he adopted the same failed fiscal policy established by Reagan, abandoning his former beliefs.   I will use two examples which validate my claim.    What Real Republicans Supported in the 1970’s   Nixon will forever be remembered for “Watergate.” This is sad because he was the most accomplished president in the latter half of the 20 th century. He has a longer list of passed legislation than the five Republican presidents who succeeded him combined.    Some of his accomplishments are well known, including establishing a relationship with the People’s Republic of China, working with th...

I Received Support for my Allegations that Reagan is Responsible for Our Nation’s Financial Woes and Our Government’s Incompetence and Corruption

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   For as long as I have been a political writer, I have claimed that Ronald Reagan is responsible for two things: our nation’s financial woes and the demise of the Grand Old Party. He not only admitted that his administration supported the super-rich, he bragged about it. He told his party and his wealthy supporters that “greed is good.”   Reagan was also responsible for the demise of the Grand Old Party, completed by Trump in 2017. He demanded complete loyalty and support from every Republican while abandoning the principles and standards of the former Party of Lincoln. He moved his party even farther to the right and extremism with his war on the working class, minorities, women, and non-Christians. Reagan is on my list of the five worst presidents in history. His fiscal policy of “supply side economics,” better known as “ trickle-down economics,” not only reduced the quality of life for most Americans, tax breaks for the super-rich and corporations...

First Quarter of the 21st Century Shows Signs of Becoming the Last Century for Earth

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I was alive for one-half of the 20 th century. There were great things happening, and great tragedies. New inventions which were both beneficial and destructive. All of this placed America in a position to face the 21 st century. Sadly, it began with controversy and disaster. As we end the first quarter of a new century, what we have experienced so far is not promising. The American people voted in November of 2000 with the intent of choosing a new president to lead us for the next four years. The choices given to us were the previous vice-president, Al Gore, and the son of our 41 st president, George W. Bush. The result was “too close to call.” Weeks after the election one of the greatest travesties in history, a violation of voting rights, happened when a Republican dominated Supreme Court decided the outcome of the election by halting a recount in Florida. Although Al Gore won the popular vote, the unconstitutional Electoral College forc...

The Right Wing Continues to Offer Us the Worst Possible Professional Politicians

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart     You know their names: Moscow Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Lauren Boebert , Marjorie Taylor Greene. In first place is the worst Senate Majority Leader in History, followed by the worst Senator in History, and finally four of the worst members of the House in history. I have one more position and one more name to add: Kevin McCarthy, the worst Speaker of the House in history, even worse than Newt Gingrich and Dennis Hastert.   Let’s look at his beginning. He is the first Speaker of the House not to be elected on the first ballot. The sad truth is that he was not popular with any one group, and it required 15 votes for him to receive the gavel. He remains a staunch supporter of the worst man in American history, a traitor who attempted to overthrow his own government while still residing in the White House.   What America needs most are great leaders. Sadly, such a commodity does not exist in Washington i n 2023. Tho...