Four Dangerous Titles: Priest, Minister, Pastor, Reverend

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is an undeniable fact that the greatest danger to the American people is domestic terrorism. With this irrefutable truth comes an additional fact, Christian leaders have been complicit in the death and destruction of millions of men and women throughout history. In America, religious leaders promote anger, hatred, and instigate violence against those who disagree with their twisted beliefs. They are wealthy and pay no taxes, and giving up these privileges is unthinkable. The first Europeans to land on the shore of the new nation were members of religious institutions. No one was allowed to challenge the leaders of these groups, fearing alienation and retaliation. The term “God” was used continuously, and threats of “eternal damnation” were used as weapons to secure obedience and servitude. Between 1050 and 1300 military assaults, originating from Christian-dominated countries, were responsible for the deaths of Christians and Muslims alike, estimated to...