
Showing posts with the label corruption

In the House the War Between “Republicans” and Trump’s Freedom Caucus Rages On

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If you know anything about politics in America, you know that the 42 men and women in the House calling themselves the “Freedom Caucus” support  policies which are so far to the right they mimic Adolf Hitler’s playbook in 1930’s Germany. Their loyalty is to their Fuhrer, Donald Trump, not to the people of the United States of America.   Of the 176 who call themselves “Republicans” most are members of another extremist group, calling themselves the “TEA Party.” Those remaining are a mix of moderates and confused right-wing politicians.    WHO REALLY BELIEVED THAT MIKE JOHNSON WOULD MAKE A GOOD SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE?   The Speaker of the House is Mike Johnson. Johnson is a Trump puppet and a member of the Freedom Caucus.    Recently Johnson pissed off his own Klan members by supporting aid for Ukraine. The Freedom Caucus is notoriously famous for their support of Trump’s puppeteer, Vladimir Putin. In an obvious move to appease his fellow FC cronies, he made a m

Why and How the Mainstream Media Became the Enemy of Free Speech and the Truth

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you have ever read more than one of my rants, you know that I consider the mainstream media the enemy of the people. The “Fourth Estate” is protected by the First Amendment. However, today it no longer exists. The press was protected because its purpose was to expose government corruption. Today’s fake journalists are in collusion with Washington politicians. Several years ago, I had a source who asked to remain anonymous. He told me that the former free press was now under the control of Washington politicians. In the 21 st century, if a journalist wants the full story about any situation, he or she must omit certain facts harmful to the careers of elected officials. If he or she refuses to comply, all of their sources will cease to exist. ALL CRIMINALS MUST BE PUNISHED, WITHOUT EXCEPTION Here is the headline from Newsweek today. [Donald Trump's Conviction Was Expected to Sink Him in the Polls. It Hasn't] This title is extremely misleading. It gives

Akron, Ohio: Another Example Why I Reject Organized Religion

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense. Another day in America, another mass shooting, and another day proving that domestic terrorism is the greatest danger to the American people and no one cares. Over the weekend there was a huge mass shooting in Akron, Ohio. One person died and 24 were injured. The usual displays of shock, anger, and sympathy followed in the aftermath. As usual, nothing will change, and nothing will be considered in congress to stem the tide of growing gun violence in America. RELIGIOUS LEADERS MUST END THEIR HIPOCRATIC POLICIES After the carnage in Akron, one minister called for everyone to “lay down their guns.” However, Christian religious leaders continue to support right-wing politicians who are joined with the NRA gun lobby in preventing any changes to our gun laws. “Profit Before People” is the motto of all politicians who pretend to be “Republi

Undecided Voters in 2024? I Don’t Think So

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If there is a single “undecided” voter in America, where the f**k have you been living over the last nine years? The mainstream media kept Trump on the front page of nearly every on-line and in-print news publication for nearly a decade. It has been the goal of the malignant narcissist, but not good for the American people. It will always be our nation’s greatest disgrace that Trump was allowed to defile the White House for four years. However, desperate for readers, someone decided to poll “undecided voters” recently. I would like to know where they found a sufficient number to conduct a poll. THE SAME FEAR ALL LOYAL AMERICANS HAVE The poll which was taken used several tools to learn why they claim to be undecided. One of the questions asked was, “what is your greatest fear about another Trump presidency?” The answer mimics the reason not a single patriotic American wants Trump to wear the label of “President” again. We, and they, believe that he will

Alito and Thomas MUST Recuse Themselves from any Involvement in Cases Involving January 6, 2021

Op­-ed by TheWiseOldFart We have known for a long time that Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, Ginny, are supporters of the leader of fascism in America, Donald Trump. Recently Justice Samuel Alito confirmed his allegiance to the orange buffoon. Therefore, for the sake of justice, they cannot be involved in any case brought before the Court involving the insurrection on January 6, 2021. This is clearly a situation of conflict of interests. When two of America’s greatest enemies stacked the Court with three individuals who are biased towards the views of right-wing extremists, the SCOTUS lost all of its credibility and respect. It will only become worse if it literally flips America the middle finger and blatantly displays its fealty to America’s worst, illegitimate president. HOW CAN A GOVERNMENT SURVIVE THROUGH CORRUPTION AND LIES TO ITS PEOPLE I understand that because I will soon be 78 years of age, you expect me to support anyone in authority without reservation. You are very, v

Professional Politicians Share One Trait: They Will Always Stand on the Side of an Issue Which Gives Them the Most Votes

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart [All governments are bad, some are just worse than others.] This was a line I heard about seventy years ago, and remains accurate to this day. I was born in the United States, and therefore I can only attest to my own country and how it treats or mistreats its people. However, people around the world are virtually the same and want the same things for themselves and their loved ones. I can tell you one thing without reservation: the quality and competence of America’s government has declined throughout my lifetime. Professional politicians have become focused on greed for great power and great wealth, and less interested in serving the people of our nation. Over the last nine years, the quality of those leading our nation has diminished to a level impossible to describe. A major cause for our government’s demise is clearly on the shoulders of the electorate. Voting for a party, and rejecting the most qualified candidates has given us men and women who are not on

How Can You and I Stop our Incompetent Government From Wasting most of our Tax Dollars?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Let’s talk about tax revenue, and how our government wastes more than 50 cents of every dollar. Let’s talk about the fact that our nation’s richest citizens and largest corporations pay little or no taxes thanks to a tax code which is 6,871 pages long. 99 percent of those pages are ways in which the super-rich can avoid paying their fair share. The national debt in 2024 is estimated to be $34.59 trillion dollars. However, Trump and his party of cowards and hypocrites continue to propose additional tax cuts for less than one percent of the American people, who just happen to donate to their campaigns. I ADD ONE ISSUE WHICH CLEARLY DISPLAYS THE INCOMPETENCE OF OUR GOVERNMENT Each year our government passes a budget for the upcoming fiscal year. However, there exists a situation unique to our failed system. America has a “debt ceiling.” It is of no concern that the amount of money to be spent in the upcoming year was agreed to, this is a separate situation, and eac

Contenders for the Worst Supreme Court Justice in History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The government of the United States of America is the most corrupt, and the least effective in the free world in 2024 . The one branch of government which gave me some hope was the Supreme Court, until 2020.   Today’s Court is stacked 6-3 in favor of the former Republican Party. On one of the darkest days in our na ti on’s history, five men and one woman removed a guarantee to all women that they could legally make decisions about their own mental and phy sical health, and their future. On June 24, 2022, these cowardly, anti-Americans repeal ed a 49-year-old decision by a legitimate Court known as Roe v Wade.   I FIND NO REDEEMING QUALITIES IN THESE REPUBLICAN PUPPETS   The first time I watched Senate hearings for the purpose of confirming a Supreme Court justice was in 1991.   The first Black justice, Thurgood Marshall, retired, and George H.W. Bu sh nominated another Black man to fill his seat , Clarence Thomas.   The hearings became highly animated and