
Showing posts with the label corruption

Six Traitors and How They Created Fascism 101

  I realized something a few days ago. My stories about the worst president in history and his evil twin contain only villains: there are no heroes. The greatest villains are undoubtedly six corrupted members of the Supreme Court. Without their unconstitutional decisions, one of which gave Trump complete immunity, I would have nothing to write about. For the last 30 days Trump has violated the Constitution several times each day. His executive orders are not accomplishments, they are destroying the successes of his predecessors over the last 60-70 years. Executive orders were not designed to override laws passed by the legislative branch, or to create new laws designed to increase the power of our presidents. Our Founding Fathers created a system of government which gave the least power to our presidents. Their greatest fear is happening in 2025. Trump has become a dictator, a wannabe Fuhrer. Once again, six members of the corrupted and biased Supreme Court have chosen to void the ...

Kamala Harris Warned You

This article is for anyone who was ignorant enough to vote for the worst illegitimate president in history. Trump promised that on day one he would lower inflation. He now says that he cannot or will not ask his 756 oligarchs/billionaires to take lower profits for themselves by lowering prices at the grocery store. You might remember that Kamala Harris promised that she would lower both prices and taxes for the working class. I have no doubt she would have kept that promise. She also warned you that he would take money from the working class to enable his plan to give his 756 oligarchs additional tax cuts. We now know his plan. On Sunday, the contents of his scam were revealed. He will make cuts to essentials: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Veteran’s benefits. What a great humanitarian: NOT! Nazis Trump and Musk are heartless, self-serving bastards. I consider their plans an act of treason against the majority of our nation’s people. In a televised event they should be hung t...

“All Governments Are Bad, Some Are Just Worse Than Others”

I challenge to you prove me wrong: “the government of the United States is the most dysfunctional and corrupt in the world.” I offer you two reasons which prove my allegation, although there are dozens more which confirm what I have learned over the last 13 years. Let’s take a look at the only perfect law passed by our government in its history: the Social Security Act, signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on August 14, 1935. It was simple and it worked. Every American would have a retirement program. It was funded by employers and employees without additional funds from the national treasury. The amount received was based on the average income over the working life of each individual. I know of no one who received the total of their contributions prior to his or her death. Why do Republicans call it an “entitlement” and seek the end of the program? The more important question is “why is the fund in the red.” Of course, you know the answer. Our incompetent government added other p...

Traitors Among Us Are Leading Us to Hell

I have feelings of overwhelming sadness today. I woke up this morning thinking about my life and how it was so very different from the obese old Nazi is now pretending to be your president. Trump was born on June 15, 1946. The day I came into this world was just three weeks later on July 7, 1946. Our paths never crossed. Trump’s path led him into the depths of everything which is wrong with the world today. He was born into a world of wealth and extreme white privilege and taught to hate anyone who was not like him. Money was his family’s god and achieving greater wealth was the family’s only goal. My family was probably considered poor when I was born in Lewiston, Idaho. However, my mother’s family was very warm and loving. The Catholic Church was at the center of their lives, and they lived according to those deep beliefs in what they were taught, a high moral standard, unbreakable principles, and respect for others,  The word “hate” was not in their vocabulary. Now that both of ...

Only one Man-Child on Earth is Dumber than Donald Trump: Trump Jr.

When you have accomplished nothing in your life, you are either the child of a billionaire, or the son of an old, obese man who trained you well. I only know one person who is more ignorant than Donald “the Traitor” Trump: his son, Donald Jr. Trump made a fool of himself once again, claiming that he would make Greenland and Panama possessions of the United States, and Canada our nation’s 51 st state. Stop laughing: he was serious. This was not the first time Trump suggested the annexation of Greenland, a possession of Norway. He sent his alleged cocaine addicted son to Greenland to make a propaganda film. On the film junior claimed that the citizens of Greenland were excited about the possibility of becoming a part of the United States. However, it has become common knowledge that junior bribed a band of homeless men to play a role, offering them nothing more than a meal. Pitiful. Trump assembled the Washington Mafia in 2017-2020. What it will be like this year is anyone’s guess, but ...

Republicans Playing Politics Instead of Doing the Right Thing

    Republicans don’t know or don’t care that the citizens of the richest and most populous state in the Union, California, are Americans. In fact they are true Americans while Republicans offer their fealty to Trump and his puppeteer, Vladimir Putin. I grew up in Los Angeles. I will always be grateful to have lived in the greatest city, the greatest state, until I was in my early 40’s. No other state offers such a variety of lifestyles. No other state offers the opportunities available in California. I lived in Los Angeles when many terrible fires occurred in Malibu, Laurel Canyon, and other wooded areas when the Santa Ana winds blew in from the east. However, I could never imagine the tragedies which are devasting such beautiful areas of Southern California today. As of today, Monday, January 13, 2025, more than 12,300 structures have burned and 24 lives have been lost. And the winds will be worse today according to Los Angeles weathermen. H...

What Can You Do When The Supreme Court Becomes The Enemy Of The People?

Five men and one woman. This gang of six are all biased in support of right-wing extremists who dominate today’s Republican Party in name only and serve Trump, ignoring the needs of the average American. John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett are corrupt Supreme Court justices who control your life. How do we fight against this gang of six and save our country for posterity? The sad truth is, we can do absolutely nothing. Of all the mistakes made by our Founding Fathers, one surpasses all others. The damage caused by not placing term limits on all three branches of government is the primary reason our government is now the most corrupt and incompetent in the world. The intentions of our Founding Fathers when they created the judicial branch of our government were admirable. However, they were obviously naïve. They underestimated the vices of greed and ambition possessed by all mankind. I believe that given the opportunity most ...

Two Americas; Two Countries Within one Nation

Principles, morals, respect, and trust. Every country, every nation’s leaders, and every individual in every country must possess the first two qualities and earn the latter two. Without these qualities, no country, no individual will accomplish anything of value, anything worth remembering. These things I learned from my grandfather and one of my uncles. I consider myself a good and spiritual man because I have worked hard to be the best person I can be. I am far from perfect, but my search for perfection continues at the age of 78. Education is a tool. If it is used properly, it can aid an individual in his or her search to reach higher levels of spirituality and understanding. Therefore, I believe in questioning everything. If you don’t receive answers which make sense, you should probably discard the information. Why am I writing about myself? The truth is that I am not important enough to have anything written about me. However, the most valuable part of my education has come from...

The Mainstream Media no Longer Does its Job: I Gues I Have to Do It

  If the 2024 election taught us anything, it’s that Russia once again interfered in our election, according to the FBI, and most voters must be educated. It was clear that on November 5, 2024, most Americans voted based on emotions and misinformation on the boob tube, not on facts. It is an irrefutable fact the America has the least informed voters in the world. Early in 2024, the FBI reported that Russia was once again heavily involved in controlling the results of our election. We never heard from them again. Was this election rigged as it was in 2016? The mainstream media no longer deserves the title of “the fourth estate.” It has failed to report what has become rampant crime and corruption in Washington in the 21 st  century. I constantly report the events and actions which occur in our nation’s Capital daily. It’s not hard. The Washington Mafia remains in control of our government. This Mafia hides behind titles including Senator, Congressman, Supreme Court Justice, a...

Beelzebub Doesn’t Care About Laws: They Simply Don’t Apply to Him

Millions of Satanic Worshipers are anxiously awaiting the return of Beelzebub on January 20, 2025. The ruler of the underworld: everything that is destructive and harmful to the average American: will finish the job he began between 2017 and 2021. Yesterday, the judge who presided over Trump’s “hush money” trial, Juan Merchan, announced that Trump will be sentenced for his 34 felony convictions on January 10, 2025. However, he will not be imprisoned, fined, or even face probation. Instead, he will receive “unconditional discharge.” Trump is demanding a dismissal of all charges based on his stacked Supreme Court’s decision about presidential immunity. However, Jude Merchan offered this ruling. "To vacate this verdict on the grounds that the charges are insufficiently serious given the position Defendant once held, and is about to assume again, would constitute a disproportionate result and cause immeasurable damage to the citizenry's confidence in the Rule of Law," the rul...

What Can I Say: It’s All There, but Will Uninformed Americans Choose to See the Truth

If the 2024 election results proved anything it is the undeniable fact that my claim about the vast majority of Americans voting for what they see and choose to believe on television decides who will lead our nation for the next four years. Most Americans are as ignorant as Trump who proudly claimed that “everything I need to know, I learn from television.” It’s called the ‘boob tube’ for a reason. He is without a doubt one of the most poorly educated and ignorant men in the world. “The elections are run by the same industries that sell toothpaste on television.” Noam Chomsky “I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” Groucho Marx Over the last nine years Trump and his party have exposed themselves completely. However, it is undoubtedly a fact that either no one was paying attention, or nobody cared. I ask you to think about one fact which proves that no one claiming to be a Republican is qualified to lead our nat...

This Story Made me Laugh: Do They Think They Deserve a Raise?

  The last two congresses, with control of the House in Republican’s incapable hands, passed the fewest bills into law in modern American history. Right-wing politicians spend most of their time protecting Trump from his many crimes and have no time and no interest in performing the jobs for which they were elected. When they are in the Capitol Building, they spend most of their time contacting current and potential donors for their reelection campaigns. Although they are only required to be in Washington 100 days a year, when they are present their efforts are seldom focused on passing legislation which benefits all Americans. It is fair to claim that the government of the United States of America is the most incompetent and corrupt in the world. Now for your Friday Funny: Congress was actually considering giving themselves a raise. If, in your job, your production nosedived, would you be asking your employer for a raise? The effort to give themselves a rai...

To Save America, Every Voter Must Reject All Political Parties

I must be totally honest with you: I did not read the attached article. The title of the story made me think about what is really wrong with America’s leadership, something ignored by the mainstream media, which once again hides the truth from our nation’s people. It made me think about why I am an Independent. The government of the United States is not only dysfunctional, it is the most incompetent and corrupt in the world. Every man and woman who holds a political office, including the Supreme Court, has ignored its primary purpose: to protect and expand the quality of life for all of America’s people. If you sit on the right side of the aisle, the profits of the super-rich and major corporations are priority number one. For the men and women who sit on both sides of the aisle, reelection is their primary goal. Political parties are the problem. There is no logical reason for belonging to a political party. They do not deserve your loyalty or support. The only thing they share is the...

Gaetz is a Huge Creep: (Who Would Have Thought It?)

The House reneged on its past policies and decided not to hide the ethics investigation into Matt Gaetz actions, claiming “for reasons of national security.” He is far worse than anyone would have believed. His drug use is far more pervasive than we were led to believe. He spent huge amounts of money paying for sex. Not only did he frequently have sex with young, underage women, he transported some across state lines. One more thing which confirms the idiocy of the people of Florida. They elected and reelected the criminal. In January, with their “Don” returning to the White House, the Washington Mafia will be intact. Never, never forget that your “stable genius” president nominated a man without morals and principles for the office of our country’s top law enforcement officer. The big question is the same question real Americans ask about Donald Trump: why are they not in a federal holding cell awaiting trial for their many crimes. I know of cases where law enforcement uses the slimme...

Was Elon Musk on Your Ballot?

Did I miss something? Did your ballot include the name of the wealthiest and one of the biggest morons in America? Was he a man with no experience in anything other than engineering who lost millions of dollars ruining twitter? Was that name Elon Musk? It is clear that we have one very old white man and one middle-aged white man in control of our nation’s future. Neither is qualified to hold public office at any level. Recently it was believed that the House would vote in favor of the Senate’s stop-gap plan to prevent a government shutdown. However, when Musk told the idiots on the right side of the aisle to vote against it, they obeyed. Later in the day Trump agreed with the fool from South Africa. Who’s running this country. I can tell you that it doesn’t appear to be the aging orange buffoon. I know that’s a good thing; or is it? I think America is f**ked. On Friday, just hours before a government shutdown was inevitable, Republicans in the House agreed to a temporary solution. In M...

Nothing Proves my Claim that America’s Government is the Most Corrupt and Incompetent in the World than the Debt Ceiling

America is a strange country. It claims many “firsts,” and all of them are moronic and destructive. Corporate profits are of far greater importance than the quality of life for more than 340 million people. Most legislation which would improve the lives of the majority are never addressed and never come to the floor for a vote. I continue to claim that the federal government of the United States is the mot corrupt and incompetent in the world. I can prove my allegations easily and simply. I begin with the Electoral College. No nation in the world allows states to choose their president, or leader by another name, than America. In every other developed nation, the people choose the woman or man who will lead them. Because the Electoral College exists, we have “red and blue states,” which divide our nation and remove credibility from the election process. America is also unique in the fact that it is the only nation in the world not to have universal healthcare. Only in America is the hi...