Censorship is the Beginning of Mind Control, and the First Step to Fascism

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It began with Ron DeSantis in Florida, and is quickly spreading throughout every red state. The men and women who call themselves Republicans in the 21 st century understand that the truth is the enemy of autocrats and their efforts to end democracy. The accurate term is censorship and is being conducted by traitors to our way of life. The past is of greater importance than immediate concerns about the future. If we fail to learn from our mistakes, we will make them again and again. Nothing proves this fact more accurately than the four years between 2017 and 2021. During those dark years, Donald Trump and his fake Republican Party attempted to move our nation backwards into its vile and racist past. Freedoms, guaranteed by the Constitution, were gradually removed. The second Civil War had begun. Advances in human rights over the previous 60-70 years were under attack and the future of America remains in the balance. The path to fascism begins with the re...