Trump’s “People” Speaking Away from the Television Cameras

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart There is no doubt that the men and women who worked in the White House will tell the truth about their experiences working for the madman pretending to be your president between 2017 and 2021. However, some are beginning to leak sections of the insanity created by the malignant narcissist whose ego needs constant care. The most recent to come forward and talk about her feelings is Hope Hicks. [Trump advisor Hope Hicks texted another White House aide on Jan. 6, 2021: “We all look like domestic terrorists now.”] The term “domestic terrorist” did not begin with the Trump administration. However, he and his fascist gang defined it for four years. Thanks to Moscow Mitch McConnell’s refusal to give Trump a fair trial after two impeachments in the House offered proof that he and his Washington Mafia were indeed above the law. Today, even after acts of sedition and treason, he remains a free man. Over four years there were only two questions on the application to ...