
Showing posts with the label Unfit for Office

Trump Keeps Crawling Deeper Into the Swamp

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Anyone who has listened to 10 minutes of Trump’s vile hate speech at one of his infamous “rallies,” learns two things immediately: he is illiterate, and the subject matter is repetitious, boring, and without substance. His constant attacks against real Americans prove that he is a jealous, insecure, and hate-filled person without average intelligence. It is obvious that many of his attacks are directed at himself. When he claimed that the 2016 election was “rigged,” he was telling the truth, but it was rigged for him. When he refers to our President as “Sleepy Joe,” it was Trump who fell asleep constantly during his very serious “hush money” trial. When he ordered his cult to chant, “lock her up,” he was referring to his life of crime and debauchery, not Hillary’s.. A FEEBLE, OLD, OBESE MAN Trump’s most avid supporters are exactly what Hillary Clinton referred to as “a basket of deplorables.” Comments made on “Truth Social,” and other extremist forms o

Trump Avoided Justice for Nearly 60 Years Until He Was Finally Caught with His Pants Down and his Mushroom Out

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s crimes are many, and began about 60 years ago. When a 13-year-old child is forced out of his home as adolescence begins, these become the most important years of development: who and what he will become as an adult. Trump was sent away to military boarding school at the tender age of 13. When a child begins to mature, parental obligation becomes critical. The Donald Trump we know today is the sum of his life’s experience. He remains immature, desperate for love and acceptance. After his daddy paid for his diploma from Wharton Business College, Trump was given more than 400 million dollars to begin his own business. He lost that money in a very short period of time. His father’s efforts to make amends for his lack of parental ability failed, and a pattern began for a life dominated by a lack of successful business ventures and personal failures. THOSE OF US WHO HAVE STUDIED TRUMP’S LIFE ARE NOT SURPRISED Raising children is the most difficult challenge a

My Second Letter to the American People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   In 2016 , I wrote my first “Letter to the American People.” I warned every eligible voter about the dange rous and likely disastrous possibility of Donald Trump becoming our 45 th president.   Most Americans paid attention. He lost to Hillary Clinton in the popular vote by three million. However, interference by Russian agents, following orders from Vladimir Putin, he received the Electoral College vote and became our country’s first illegitimate president.   WHAT AN AMERICAN PRESIDENT MUST NOT BE   Donald John Trump is a man without morals or principles. His life’s story is built on lies and misconception s . Much of the damage for which he is responsible between 2017 and 2021 is irreparable. He must not be given four more years to complete his orders to destroy the nation of our Founding Fathers.   Thursday’s decision by a jury of his peers in a federal court revealed to everyone the extent of his debauchery, lack of a moral compass, and his absence of

An Embarrassing First for America: A Convicted Felon is the Choice of the Republican Party

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart First, let me say that May 30, 2024 will be remembered as one of the most American days in our nation’s nearly 248-year history. Trump’s conviction on all counts proved that no one is above the law. This was a day when equality became a reality. However, yesterday will also be at the top of the list of most embarrassing days in American history. It will be matched with November 8, 2016, when Trump was gifted the Electoral College in a rigged election, and our government knew about the efforts of Vladimir Putin but did nothing. Millions of ignorant voters chose the least qualified candidate in history who openly indicates that he hates America. LET’S GET TO THE PART WHICH WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH, MAYBE Here’s a fact which is very difficult to believe. Trump’s failed party will continue to support him. Those morons who supported Trump prior to his conviction will continue to support him. His name will be on ballots in 50 states. If he wins, the leader of our nation wi

Trump had a Very Bad Saturday Night Because He’s a Very, Very Bad Person

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Earlier this morning, I wrote about Trump’s poor choice which resulted in a very unpleasant Saturday evening.   He attended the Libertarian Party’s A nnual C onvention , and attempted to deliver a speech.   Boos, insults, and name-calling erupted as the orange buffoon took the stage. One individual called for a motion telling Trump to “go f**k yourself,” which received the loudest laughter.   I can only assume that desperation was the reason he accepted an invitation to speak, knowing he would be hum iliated.   On Friday evening, Trump a** kisser, Vivek Ramaswamy, received the same, angry reception. Apparently, Trump’s ego allowed him to believe that the situation would be different for him.   EVEN TRUMP KNOWS HE DESERVES TO BE HATED   Anyone who constantly spews hatred can expect to be eviscerated in public by others. Trump’s plans for America’s fut ure signals a death blow for everything which makes America, America.   At the core of Trump’s strange “pop