
Showing posts with the label Unfit for Office

I Refuse to Bow Down to Putin’s Evil and Destructive Puppets

Two arrogant and self-serving white men are destroying our country, and no one is bold enough to do anything now. They are waiting for the courts to make decisions which may be based on political bias, and will require weeks if not months to arrive at a decision. Our nation’s future does not have time to wait.   Trump and Musk are not very bright men. It is clear that everything which is happening in Washington comes from Vladimir Putin. These old men are simply tools. Their handler is laughing as he witnesses the destruction of our nation piece by piece. Democrats have never learned the value of public opinion. In 1996, billionaire and fascist-leaning newspaper magnate, Rupert Murdock, created an extremist propaganda machine under the guise of being a legitimate news service. It became Rush Limbaugh 2.0 and has been brainwashing uninformed Americans for more than three decades. I do believe that without Fox, Republicans would have lost most elections beginning in 2000. Their polic...


Trump and his gestapo must be stopped. The stories coming from illegally fired federal employees are reminiscent of what happened in 1930’s Germany under the horrific rule of Adolf Hitler. The truth is, Trump and Musk are following Hitler’s Mein Kampf and his own Project 2025 to the letter. Trump is following, his Project 2025 exactly, and acting like the dictator he promised to be. I read about a great deal of unrest from Democrats, the military, and voters, both Democrats and Republicans. Words are just hot air and will accomplish nothing. It’s time to drag Trump out of the White House by his cheap toupee and put him in a federal holding cell. He has been allowed to begin the destruction of our country while violating the Constitution and abusing his presidential powers long enough. Your illegitimate president should never have been allowed to take the oath of office. First and foremost, he has no intention of keeping that oath. Secondly, he is unfit to be our nation’s president if y...

Trump Will Charge Anyone, Including Our Nation’s Biggest Enemies Five Million Dollars for Citizenship

“America is a business, not a country.” This was a line from a Brad Pitt movie and it was never truer than today. From attempting to bribe Ukraine President Zelenskyy to his new plan for a fast track to citizenship, the government of the United States of America is no longer serving its nation’s people, it is all about money. Trump will never admit the truth: between 2017 and 2021 his economic failures and personal use of the national treasury added eight trillion dollars to the national debt. But, as he tells us every day, “he has a plan.” “We’re going to be selling a gold card,” Trump said from the Oval Office. “You have a green card. This is a gold card. We’re going to be putting a price on that card of about $5 million and that’s going to give you green card privileges, plus it’s going to be a route to citizenship. And wealthy people will be coming into our country by buying this card.” What the biggest racist in America is actually saying is: “I want rich, white people to come to ...

Chaos Results in Failure: Will Trump and Musk Steal Your Money?

The only word which describes Washington today is chaos. This chaos was created intentionally by two men who hate their country. Thousands of men and women are living in fear, not knowing what will happen to them and their families as Musk continues mass firings. Musk, claiming to be the richest man in the world, although most with the knowledge achieved from reading facts believe that Vladimir Putin is by far the wealthiest man alive, has no interest in the average American worker. His only goal is to increase his already bloated and undeserved personal wealth. Trump has never displayed any interest in the plight of another human being in 78 years. One issue under great scrutiny is Social Security. America’s two greatest villains are already planning cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. However, Social Security is extremely unique, and if they make any changes to America’s only retirement program, it will be the commission of the greatest crime in our nation’s history. I doubt that the two ...

America and The Bully Hated Around the World

“The Bully President.” This is certain to be the title applied to Donald John Trump. He has earned it. His threats have become famous, or better yet, infamous. His policies are founded on “quid pro quo.” He is not an intelligent communicator, and has proven that his book, “The Art of the Deal,” was 100 percent a fraud: a fairy tale. Being a bully is the only way he knows how to get anything done, with the exception of simple bribery. With no talent, and no knowledge of anything, he is undoubtedly the worst illegitimate president in history. Recently Trump sent his extremely unqualified Vice-President, J.D. Vance to Western Europe. After making a vile and demanding speech in Munich, German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, responded to the arrogant and unwelcome outsider. [Scholz spoke at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, slamming “outsiders intervening in our democracy, in our elections, in the democratic formation of opinion in favour of this party,” especially from “friends and alli...

Biggest Promise Made, Biggest Promise Broken

“I will lower inflation on day one.” Donald John Trump. Another big lie. Trump admitted that he doesn’t know how to lower inflation. In fact, after day one he never mentioned the subject. His time was well-spent, signing unconstitutional executive orders and playing with Musk and his other laughing oligarchs. His focus was on more important issues, including renaming the Gulf of Mexico, stealing Greenland, turning Gaza into a “Middle East Mar-a-Lago,” and making Canada our 51 st state. I have questions and concerns about the validity of the 2024 election. Regardless, exit polls revealed that Trump’s controversial victory was the result of a single issue: inflation. Inflation has actually risen by three percent over the last few weeks. The effects of Trump’s foolhardy tariffs will result in additional costs to consumers in the near future. The facts prove that over his 78 and ½ years, he is a failure when economics are involved. Trump was forced to file bankruptcy on two Atlantic City ...

Sadly, Time Magazine Got it Right

If you haven’t seen it, the latest issue of Time Magazine’s cover depicts Elon Musk sitting behind the Resolute Desk. The truth is, Musk is running America, and running it off a cliff. I never believed it possible, but Musk actually knows less about governing our country than the old, obese man who was illegitimately elected twice. Most billionaires/oligarchs are accomplished at one thing only. When they get out of their lanes, they reveal their ignorance, incompetence, and arrogance. Musk is the richest of them all. He is not only out of his lane, he took the offramp which is leading our nation towards total destruction. America has become less of a country and more of a business. Most of our nation’s citizens are focused on wealth and the unnecessary possessions which follow. Musk created an agency for himself. He calls it DOGE, the Department of Government Efficiency. His idea of “efficiency” is the eliminating of hundreds of millions of dollars from multiple agencies without a thor...

Trump Report Card

The Bully President It has been 17 days since Trump and Musk began their reign of terror, although it seems like years. I think it’s time to give Trump his first report card. I warn you, the Bully President has not done well. Economy, F; Making Americans Feel Safe, F; Keeping his Oath of Office, F; Foreign Relations, F; Uniting our Nation’s People, F; Choosing the Best White House Staff, F-. On the plus side, in the category of suggesting moronic ambitions which would waste time and cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars, he receives an A+. The Economy . Inflation remains a problem for most of our nation’s people. Trump promised to lower prices on day one, but has ignored the needs of our nation’s people entirely. Although he was warned repeatedly, his tariffs will destroy free trade and create a trade war. Prices will rise drastically, and the GNP will take a huge dive. Another effect of an unwise economic policy is the alienation of some of our closest allies and neighbors. M...

Moscow Mitch McConnell: Enemy of the People

I watched “60 Minutes” on Sunday evening, February 2, 2025. Everything Moscow Mitch McConnell said was a lie. He is desperate to save the illusion of his far too many years in the Senate. I consider old man Mitch to be America’s second greatest criminal. Number one on my list is his violation of the intent of the Constitution after Trump was impeached twice by the House of Representatives. On both occasions Moscow Mitch declared the criminal innocent and refused to conduct a fair trial in the Senate. In my estimation, this was a form of treason against the Constitution and the future of the American people. Number two was his failure to perform his duty to hold hearings for Merrick Garland in February of 2016. Moscow Mitch made up a rule in direct opposition of the Constitution, claiming that no Supreme Court justice should be confirmed during an election year. In October of 2020, he pissed on his own rule and rushed through the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett after the highly respec...

Co-Presidents, and Now Co-Failures in the Business World

Two very stupid white men who sacrificed their lives of luxury, privilege, and debauchery to seek relevance and support America’s Neo-Nazi movement. These two men are Donald Trump and Elon Musk. These co-presidents also share losses. Both men gave up the lives they enjoyed to engage in the ugly and depraved world of politics. Both suffered the loss of any respect they might have possessed, and lost billions of dollars attempting to change America for their own benefit. After Trump’s disastrous first presidency, many of the clients who had rented space in Trump Tower on 5 th Avenue in New York, to establish high end retail shops, vacated the premises. Many businesses associated with the name “Trump” around the world began to end their relationship with the Trump organization. Trump continues to resort to efforts which he desperately needs to pay for his legal bills, and save what is left of his failing business “empire.” He is attempting to sell bibles made in China, cheap watches with...

Washington has Become a Really Bad Marx Brothers Movie

In the 1930’s some of the funniest movies ever made starred the Marx Brothers: Groucho, Chico, Harpo, and Zeppo. In 1933, they made a movie/satire called “Duck Soup.” The storyline was about a fictional country called “Freedonia,” which was in desperate need of new leadership. Enter Groucho Marx. What is happening at this very moment in Washington reminded me of   the hilarious farcical film, with one exception: Trump and his clowns are not funny: not even a little bit. The level of incompetence within all three branches of government in 2025 is truly unbelievable. It appears that the least qualified fake president in history purposely chose the worst men and women possible to join his already failed administration. America laughed about the nomination of Matt Gaetz as Attorney General until we realized Trump was serious. Then we were forced to admit that Trump is a senile and very old man whose dementia is increasing rapidly. He is too old and undeniably unfit to lead all 340 mill...

If Your Last Name is Trump, Your Entire Life’s History is Built on Lies

It’s pitiful, but undeniably true. If this was an accurate description of my life, I would have committed suicide long ago. After researching Donald Trump for the last ten years, I know that your illegitimate president’s entire life’s story is built on lies. To this day, if his lips are moving, he’s lying. It was easy to learn that Trump’s educational history is manufactured, not earned. If this is untrue, why in 2017 did the old, obese, white man have all records related to his education sealed? I know from reading and watching the lowlights of his rallies that he never earned his diploma from Wharton and the same is undoubtedly true about his graduation from military boarding school. As he did to obtain deferments from serving in the Vietnam War, father Fred most certainly paid for his diplomas. Trump is virtually illiterate, refusing to or incapable of reading. His attention span is less than five minutes. Do you remember when he was in the Oval Office, on a rare occasion, engaged i...

Why Would Any Real American Watch Trump’s Illegal and Immoral Inauguration?

He hates my country. His loyalty is to Vladimir Putin, not to the American people. He not only violated the Constitution every day he was in office between 2017 and 2021, he continues attempts to shred our nation’s most sacred document with the exception of the Second Amendment, (He is indebted to the NRA). By his own words and actions, Trump is not an American. He cannot be given the label of “the American President.” He will lie with every word when he takes the oath of office on Monday. On Monday, I will celebrate a great man who deserves my respect, Dr. Martin Luther King, and look forward the CFB National Championship game tomorrow evening. As another dark moment in America’s history begins at 9 a.m. my time, I will be having breakfast and watching some television consisting of anything other than another embarrassing moment in my country’s history. Trump never was and never will be my president. I have followed politics in America to some degree since I was 10 years old in 1956. ...

Joni Ernst: A Disgrace to Her Country, Her State, Her Military Service, and All Womankind

If the people of Iowa cared, I would feel sorry for them. However, they continue to reelect two of the worst, self-serving Senators in American history: Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst. Grassley is the senior Senator from Iowa. In his situation, it is valid to use the word “senior” in more ways than one. The press, mainstream media, late night comics, Trump, and his failed party made age an issue in 2024. This was a smoke screen. He is 82 years of age, and I believe he is too old to be our president. Trump is 78 ½ years old, and mentally impaired. He is equally unqualified to lead our nation. However, the “winner” in this discussion is Chuck Grassley. “Grassley, who will turn 91 this fall, has spent seven terms in the Senate championing ethanol and Iowa pig farmers and throwing sand in the gears of the government whenever he gets the chance.” (This part of the article comes from March, 2024. He was reelected at the age of 91). This one story should be the most embarrassing thing about Io...

She is Not a Politician, She is a Great American and Will Do the Right Thing

You might know the name. She surpassed Oprah Winfrey as the most respected woman in America. She is brilliant, a great patriot, and always says and does the right thing. Several groups encouraged Michelle Obama to run for the presidency in 2020. I have no doubt she could have won a huge victory. However, after living in the White House for eight years and privy to how ugly the world of politics can be, she declined. After Trump’s illegitimate victory in the Electoral College in 2016, she was courteous and kind to Melania Trump, performing her duties as the outgoing First Lady. Now that Trump will once again become our nation’s most controversial and unpopular president, she is no longer required to play nice. True to her beliefs and principles, she announced her refusal to attend Trump’s illegal inauguration on January 20. America’s biggest traitor should not be allowed a return to the White House. America is just another young country which will not survive its first 500 years. Our na...

If You Live in a Red State, Trump is Your President: Not so Much in Blue States

If you read my rants frequently, you know that I never have and never will refer to Trump as my president. He is not an American by definition, and he will never serve all 340 million Americans. He will care for the citizens in states which elected him and rule over the rest. Without a single qualification, no experience, including the time between January 20, 2017 and January 20, 2021, and no desire to perform the duties required by his job description, he does not deserve respect from any real American. Respect and trust must be earned, not given freely, and he has never accomplished anything in his 78 years and seven months, which resulted in a positive result for anyone other than himself. I live in a swing/purple state. Here in Nevada, I feel a lot of tension. Trump caused more harm to America in four years than I imagined. I predicted a great division, and massive destruction. However, he was far worse than I believed possible. His last year was his worst. He refuses to read anyt...

Donald Trump: No Principles, No Morals, No Compassion Equals No Respect, and No Trust

  Trump will never be my president. The title of President of the United States has a definition which includes certain necessary attributes which make him or her worthy of the most powerful and important job in the world. However, never forget that he or she is nothing more than an elected public servant. I view a president as the most qualified person available for that title on election day. He or she must have years of experience in federal and/or state government. He or she must have above average intellect, able to make the best possible decision in every situation with the assistance of his or her closest and most trusted advisers. He or she must have exceptional moral character, and be the most principled person in the world. He or she must have unbridled love for his or her country. He or she must be the ultimate patriot. It is obvious that Trump fails to possess a single attribute I just suggested. What he does possess is extreme levels of anger, hatred, and a passion for...

Five Presidents Attended, Only One was Unwelcome

President Biden, President Elect Donald Trump, and former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton attended Jimmy Carter’s funeral on Thursday. One of them was unwelcome. According to several attendees at the event, Trump and third wife Melania were shunned by the Bidens, the Obamas, the Bush’s and the Clintons most of the time. If this surprises you, I don’t understand why. Trump has verbally attacked each of them on at least one occasion. I don’t think a single person who has ever met Trump likes him. In fact, he is the most hated man on the planet. Not one person I speak with regularly would enjoy having Trump in their presence at any time. He is a crude, rude, old man who demands absolute attention from others and has never shown empathy or even respect for anyone else in his pitiful life. Respect must be earned, and there is not a single occasion when Trump’s words or actions offered a reason why he should be respected. In my humble estimation, if someone is not r...

Two Small Victories for America on January 9, 2025: I Hope This is the Beginning of Greater Things

On Thursday, January 9, 2025 America won two victories. Trump and Moscow Mitch’s stacked Supreme Court denied Trump’s appeal to halt his sentencing after being convicted on all 34 felony counts in the infamous hush money trial. On the same day, an Appellate Court denied a motion to keep the American people access to the Select Committee’s final report on the January 6, insurrection. Today, Trump will forever be known as a convicted felon. This criminal will be the first inaugurated felon in our nation’s history. This brings me to ask a question: “how far has our nation fallen?” We celebrated real presidents including Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, and John Kennedy. In just 10 days a lifetime criminal will receive the same honor and recognition. The January 6 report will reveal Trump as America’s greatest traitor. He will take the oath of office in 10 days, and every word will be a lie. On January 20, America will become the only democratic nation in history to cr...

“Liar, Liar California’s on Fire” and You are an A**hole

  I guess I have to say it again: “if Trump’s piehole is open, he’s lying.” In another of his rambling speeches, filled with gibberish and unintelligible phrases, Trump offered another lie. Why? Because the majority of Californians reject a Trump presidency and will never accept him as their leader. It is clear that Trump is Beelzebub on earth. In a speech made from his fat, old, rich, white man’s playpen, Mar-a-Lago, Trump blamed the horrific fires occurring in Southern California on a shortage of water caused by Governor Gavin Newsome’s policies. He also claimed that President Biden has used all available FEMA funds and there are none left for him when he takes the oath of office in just 11 days. That oath will be nothing but another lie. Of course, both allegations are blatant lies. Newsome has never received a bill to sign related to water restrictions in California. He literally does not know what he’s talking about, regardless of the subject. Remember, he actually suggested t...