A Huge Victory for Democrats and Our Nation?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The men and women who call themselves “Republicans” in the House are radicals, extremists, and idiots. Under their control, history has been made. However, it is a part of our nation’s past which historians will recall as the worst days in American politics. !5 votes to select a Speaker in 2023, which has never happened in our nation’s 247-year history. Later, his ouster and replacement by an extremist group which seeks the destruction of our nation’s basic principles and ideals. And now the possibility of a third Speaker in nearly 15 months proves that right-wing politicians are moronic and incompetent. Could Common Sense Return to the House of Representatives? Change could be coming. Another historical event has become a possibility and could reverse some of the damage caused by today’s fake Republicans. The Freedom Caucus, an extremist group which has moved so far to the right it has become a fascist organization, is likely to become the reason why Democrats ...