
Showing posts with the label Netanyahu

GOP Attempting to Misdirect the Reason for Unrest on College Campuses

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I love protests; there is nothing more democratic than a peaceful protest focused on a miscarriage of justice or a demand for equal rights and protection under the law. What is happening on our college campuses today reminds me of my experience in the 1960’s. Contrary to lies told by fake Republicans, today’s protests have nothing to do with their invalid claims that the participants are anti-Israel. These protests are in support of the Palestinian people, and how wannabe dictator Benjamin Netanyahu is attempting a form of genocide. REPUBLICANS CONTINUE THEIR EFFORTS TO RECREATE OUR COUNTRY IN THE FORM OF A THEOCRACY It has become clear to every informed American that right-wing politicians seek the repeal of the First Amendment. If Trump finds a way to rig the November election, as he and Putin did in 2016, and is once again gifted the Electoral College, he plans to make Christianity America’s only recognized religion. This is at the core of why rig

End Genocide Everywhere Without Exception

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Hatred is the darkest emotion and the greatest danger to mankind. When such a severe emotion controls a person or group, what follows is inevitable: violence and death. Hatred is sometimes personal, but frequently includes an entire race, other demographics, or religious sect. This is an act of pure ignorance and a low level of basic intelligence.  AMERICA HAS A 405 YEAR HISTORY OF RACISM AND BIGOTY Although it is true that our nation has a more than 400-year history of extreme racism and bigotry, which continues today, the United States is not alone in its crimes against humanity. Greed, jealousy, and envy pare segments of the ultimate and most despicable emotion owned by human beigns: hate. RELIGIONS WERE ALL FOUNDED ON PEACE AND LOVE IN THEIR ORIGIN Much of the world’s history involves violence between religions. Battles between Pagans and Christians led to the Crusades and war between Christians and Muslims. These bloody and senseless battles began in 1095 a

Two Very Different Stories, Both Involving Workers in the World of Food

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I wanted to inform you about both of these stories. Although they are literally worlds apart, and one involves worker’s needs and rights, and the other a tragedy involving humanitarian efforts in Gaza, both will make you think about our world in the 21 ST ce ntur y.   Netanyahu’s Autocratic Israel   If you have read me over the years, you know that I believe Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu , is at the core of the discord in the Middle East.   For years he has refused to meet with Palestinian leadership in good faith. By his own actions he has refused to discuss a solution which would create a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinian people.   Most men and women who are experts related to the history of the Middle East, believe that the only road to peace is a “two state solution.” However, Netanyahu rejects any possibility of the situation ever happening.   One Unforgivable Attack Results in Another   On October 7, 2023, the terrorist

Republicans, Desperate for Votes, Pander to America’s Jewish Population

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Over the last couple of months, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has exposed who he really is. He is no better than the man who attempted to exterminate all Jews in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Attempts to Gain Autocratic Rule and the Destruction of the Palestinian People Netanyahu was exposed as a man who hates all Palestinians simply because they exist. His efforts to amass absolute power over the last year are opposed to democracy and support a fascist regime. He is no better than the greatest enemy of all Jewish people, Adolf Hitler. All attempts to build lasting peace in the Middle East have been thwarted by Netanyahu. He has refused to negotiate in good faith with Palestinian leadership. Netanyahu will never end his attacks on the Palestinian people until they are exterminated. Republicans are Desperate for Votes in 2024 Freedom Caucus Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has invited Netanyahu to speak on the floor of the House of Repres

Netanyahu is THE Problem in the Middle East

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I wrote about a dozen articles related to Israel and its feud with the Palestinian people over the last 10 years. Over that period of time, Benjamin Netanyahu refused to negotiate in good faith with Palestinian leaders multiple times. He can be included in the discussion when leaders of multiple nations are clearly the cause of problems affecting their citizens. Others include Trump’s friends and idols: Vladimir Putin, Mohammad bin Salman, Rodrigo Duterte, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Palestinian people sought statehood in the late 1940’s until today. Israel was recognized by the United Nations in 1948. Members of the U.N. Security Council, the United States and England, have consistently rejected their plea. NETANYAHU’S PREJUDICE AND QUEST FOR MORE LAND ARE A SERIOUS PROBLEM Meanwhile, Netanyahu practices “land grabbing policies” in the West Bank and his next effort will likely be Gaza. However, the United States has leverage. Israel receives about 3

Netanyahu is Israel’s Trump, but with a Much Greater Intellect

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Years ago, I reported about the problems in the Middle East. My allegation was focused on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his refusal to negotiate with Palestinian leaders in good faith. Instead, he continued his policy of taking land away from the Palestinian people to grow the size of Israel. Recently he attempted to eliminate his country’s Supreme Court, amassing all power for himself. This might remind you of America’s 45 th and illegitimate president who continues his big lie, that the 2020 election was “rigged.” A JUSTIFIABLE RESPONSE No one denies Israel’s retaliation against Hamas for the kidnapping and murders of innocent men, women, and children. However, his disrespect and lack of compassion for thousands of innocent people in Gaza is inhumane and unforgivable. AN EFFORT TOWARDS AUTOCRACY What must be examined are his plans for the Palestinian people. He continues to reject a “two-state solution,” denying the human rights of an entire