The Last “Republican” President Left Office in 1974

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The Republican Party experienced its final implosion on January 20, 2017. Its demise began on January 20, 1981. It took 36 years to complete the process, and under the direction of Vladimir Putin the process reached its climax when Trump was illegitimately elected by the Electoral College on November 8, 2016. This may surprise some of you, but as a lifelong Independent I can tell you that the last man residing in the White House who supported the principles and morals of the Grand Old Party, who was a true patriot and cared for the future of his country was Richard Millhouse Nixon. If we judge our presidents by their accomplishments and how they affected the largest number of our nation’s people, the best President by far was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Included in the top five would be Richard Nixon. Sadly, what he will be remembered for by historians is his ambition to receive a second term and the felonies he committed when he approved the break-in at th...